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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
8/2/2021 3:57:29 PM
Creation date
8/2/2021 3:54:54 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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74 those underrepresented areas and communities within Roseville and that will help <br />75 towards those equity and diversity efforts as well. He pointed out how impressed <br />76 he was how that came up organically through the process of the Energy Action <br />77 Team and everything and how it spotlights and highlights how much of those items <br />78 are true values of the community for that to come out of their process organically. <br />79 <br />80 Chair Wozniak explained one other thing the Council discussed last night was <br />81 whether or not to fill the vacancy on this Commission and the Council decided to <br />82 wait until the next round of applications with the thought being that the City wants <br />83 to try to get better representation among all people in the City on the Commission. <br />84 <br />85 Mr. Culver thought the Council will do a formal solicitation in August with the <br />86 intent of filling the vacancies in September. He indicated the City is fully <br />87 anticipating that the emergency order will be ended at the next special session in <br />88 July or before. There would be a need for a special session where the City <br />89 anticipates the Governor will release his emergency powers and at that point the <br />90 open meeting laws will go back into full effect and the Commission will have to <br />91 meet in person. He noted there are some exemptions for individuals within a sixty- <br />92 day window of that, which he can address offline, if needed. The expectation will <br />93 be that the Commission will meet in person in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, <br />94 July 27ffi. <br />95 <br />96 5. MS4 Annual Meeting <br />97 Mr. Johnson made a presentation to the Commission on the 2020 MS4 Annual <br />98 meeting. He noted the Commission is required to receive public comment and <br />99 feedback regarding the City's proposed Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan <br />100 (S WPPP), and past year's report. <br />101 <br />102 Member Joyce thanked Mr. Johnson for the presentation. He explained he was <br />103 wondering about bacteria testing and is that something the City does or the County <br />104 that monitors lakes. <br />105 <br />106 Mr. Johnson explained this is not something the City does; it is something the <br />107 County tests. The County has a lab that does a lot of the water quality testing. One <br />108 of the things the County looks for is e coli at McCarron, where the beach then gets <br />109 shut down. That is all run through Ramsey County and the way the County runs <br />110 their water quality testing lab. The City works with the County if there are <br />111 questions or tests needed to be run. <br />112 <br />113 Member Spencer indicated the one pond layout shown in the presentation was on <br />114 Fairview, he wondered if this were to be dredged to eight feet, would the City have <br />115 to do anything differently such are cordon it off and put a fence around it. He was <br />116 wondering because if dredged the pond could be fairly deep and a hazard for people <br />117 or is there a point where the City will not go past because then it would make for a <br />118 safety concern. <br />119 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />
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