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HOW WE ARE GOING TO GET THERE <br />Focus Area: Energy Burden <br />Targeting energy burden households is important to Roseville became important to the Energy <br />Action Team when they learned about the concept and subsequently discovered the extent of <br />households in Roseville who struggle with this problem. <br />Energy burden is a measure of the percentage of a household's income used to pay for energy. <br />The U.S. Department of Energy calculates energy burden for communities across America <br />using a rolling 5-year average of household income and energy spending statistics.' The <br />American Council for an Energy -Efficient Economy (ACEEE), a nonprofit research organization, <br />identifies households facing high energy burden as those that spend more than 6% of their <br />income on energy costs. Households that spend more than 10% are designated as facing <br />severe energy burden. <br />Note: Apart from objective demographic measures, there are also likely to be conditions in these <br />households that will complicate the task of overcoming energy burden. Low -paying employment <br />may mean that adults are working more than one job at odd hours. Simply finding decision <br />makers at home can be a challenge. <br />Finally, we expect that cultural barriers, previous negative experiences interacting with service <br />providers, and fear of interactions with outside agencies could inhibit some residents from <br />asking for assistance <br />' <br />Roseville Energy Action Plan <br />12 <br />