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<br />Continued Page 2. <br /> <br />thence north along said west line to the northwest corner of said <br />section; thence east along the north line of said section 8 to a <br />point 310 feet west of the initial point of commencement; thence <br />at a right angle sOUtll 611.37 feet to the actual point of beginn- <br />ing. Subject to public highway." <br /> <br />Roll call Ayes-(4) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Mr. F. X. Bucì~eier presented a petition for the rezoning of some pro- <br />perty owned by Seidenkranz on Lexington Ave. north of Larpenteur from Resi- <br />dence A to Commercial District. Upon examination of the petition, it was <br />found there were not sufficient signatures to accept it. carlson moved, <br />Connor seconded, to accept the petition subject tò the receipt of the nec- <br />essary signatures in time to hold a public hearing by June 3rd. Roll call <br />Ayes-(4) N~es-(O). <br /> <br />The Clerk read the petition of H. J. Borden asking for a change in set- <br />back to allow a garage to be constructed in the incline of his property. <br />Hammersten moved, Connor seconded, that we change the set-back from thirty <br />feet to twenty feet for Lot 9, Block 1, Roseville Heights, so that Borden <br />can erect the garage. Roll call Ayes-(4) Nayos-(O). <br /> <br />Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Gregg appeared concerning the condition of the road <br />at the intersection of Transit and Arona. Connor moved, Carlson seconded, <br />that the engineer stake out the involved property and proceed with the Road <br />Commissioner to have the necessary work done. Roll call Ayes-(4) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson appeared regarding a lot which she wishes to <br />build on that has not the necessary square footage. She claims it is 60 x <br />90 ft. She was told to get the legal description from the Court House mId <br />present it to the Clerk before she can obtain a building permit. <br /> <br />Mr. A. Schmitz of 925 Lovell, who has been operating a business of <br />making louvres for lumber companies on property which is zoned residential, <br />came to discuss the letter he had received from the Village asking him to <br />cease operation immediately. He has purchased some land for a shop and re- <br />quested additional tùne to get installed there. Connor moved, Hammersten <br />seconded, that he be moved out by July 7, 1953 or steps will be taken against <br />him. Roll call Ayes-(4) N~es-(O). <br /> <br />Mr. Hurlbert appeared regarding a piece of cow~ercial property on C2 and <br />Snelling which he purchased. He wanted an O.K. on plans which he presented <br />for a small office for his busuless of home planning. Willmus moved, Carlson <br />seconded, that we accept his plans. Roll call Ayes-(4) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />'Carl Bucher, County Weed Inspector, presented a statement for the signa- <br />ture of the mayor whereby the Village of Roseville agrees to pay its propor- <br />tionate share of a newspaper notice on weed inspection. Hammersten moved, <br />Carlson seconded, that we pay our proportionate share of this ad. Roll call <br />Ayes-(4) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Charles W. Schrieber presented a blue print for ~)proval which showed <br />some 2x2 construction and also a wardrobe partition which served as part of a <br />wall. The Council agreed that the plans must be changed to conform with the <br />building code before a building permit could be issued. <br /> <br />335 <br /> <br />Rezoning: <br />Seidenkranz <br />Property <br /> <br />Set-Back <br />Change: <br />II.J.Borden <br /> <br />Transit- <br />Arona <br /> <br />A.J.Schmitz <br />Business <br />Violation <br />7/1/53 <br />