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<br />VJLL¡i.1r~ cnmJCJL Of ROSEVILL¡'~ <br />i"ìei!ular "Teeting Tues. June 2, 19~3 at. 2 :00 P .,'1. <br /> <br />The Vi llaffe Council mAt on the above date with the following members <br />present: r.arlson, 'Iillmus, Connor, and Hammersten, - Hernbrez tardy. <br />Mi lw~r Carley, \TillaC''? Engineer, and Ira Karon, Villacre Attorney, ".¡-ere <br />also present. <br /> <br />Carlson moved, :1illmus seconded, that reading of the minutes be <br />\vaived and approved accordinf! to copies furnished each member of th,e <br />Council. Holl call i1'res-O~) ~Iaves-( 0). <br /> <br />Thf'> (;lerk r'ead the petition presented by F. :c P,uchmeier, attorney for <br />Hattie Seidenkranz, for rezoninÅ’ the followina described property from <br />t8sidet1ce I\. District to a r:ommercial District: <br /> <br />IIThe'~ast 229.27 ?t. of the s;~ 1/4 of the Si~ l/Ü of Section 15, <br />L'ownship 29, 23, except the north 767 Ft. and except the <br />South 369.139 i?eet.1I <br /> <br />The !~oninr: Board recommended that the petition be ;,;ranted because the <br />land is suitable only for com:rllercial purposes and the abutting property <br />Ol:mers expressed satisfaction l'¡U), the projected development. IIr. lÜlliam <br />1'?i.lin'~ sta.ted that 1-ír. 1'T. Christensen, lìrho1Tas not present, was Vie mOf>t <br />:i.rl'~erested p"'I":3on npcaus0 he ha.d the abut tin,~ propertv to the r'Test. He <br />also saj d ttwt 1'T1'. Buchmeier had prev:iously told them that theN, would be <br />t"¡'enty f'~'et of screeninp- on thr-:; 'vest and th(~ affected property Ol,.¡ners then <br />'¡·rol1ld bp satis fiprj. .. <br /> <br />,i[r. Polk renresenting Conoco Oil Co. T"as also present, and it was air,reed <br />to orovide t}'e 20 ft. for screenin~ and plant<inr;. <br /> <br />Hammersten moved, seconded b'.! Carlson, that the petition for rezonin'" <br />the above? described property be granted subject to the petitioner granting <br />a 33 ft. easement to t.he North and that the 20 ft. strip to the '.'Jest be used <br />only for screeni n'" purposes and plantin7. í\.lso, that Nr. Karon Drl'mare the <br />Ordinance providin'~ for the necessary requirements. Roll call ;1ye~-( 5) <br />iTaye:;-( 0). <br /> <br />Trle C1Rrk read the ]p tter of acceptance from the Upper ìÜclì.ve~¡t n.eal ty <br />ComDany of Ordinance No. 152, datedtilay 22, 19[;3. Clerk instructed to ,,,¡rite <br />a letter acknmÜ2do:in? receiDt of same. Hammersten moved, seconded by <br />JH1mus, t.hat the be placed on file. Roll call Ayes-( 5) 'Tayes-( 0). <br /> <br />The CIRrk read Ordinance 1\]0. 154 ~'1lendjn'7 Ordinance i,10. U.9 providing <br />for the rezoT1inf~ of the petition of Sunset ì"Íemorial Park Association from <br />Farm t~esidence to Industrial. Hr. Karon presented a l,,,tter dated June 1, <br />1953, s hOl1Tin!~ that the Antire apppal to the Supreme Court by the Sunset <br />l'iemot:'ial Park Ass 'n. was dismissed as 8s;reed to by Hr. Hathews, representinp: <br />the Sunspt '"emorial Park Association, on Tuesday, ~~ay 19, 1953. <br /> <br />H8mmersten moved, seconded by 1Iillmus, that Ordinance No. ISh be adopted. <br />cioll call Ay¡:"s-([~) Na:res-(O). <br /> <br />Mr. Karon was asked to take the necessary steps to s pe that this pro- <br />perty is Dut back on the tax roll as of the date that it was removed, and <br />that back taxes be paid. The Sunspt Memorial file was given to >11'. 1{aron. <br /> <br />3 sl 0 <br /> <br />RezoninF" : <br />Seiden- <br />kranz <br /> <br />Ord. 152 <br />Upper Mid- <br />1,Jest Realty <br /> <br />Ord. 154 <br />Sunset Mem. <br />Pk. Ass'n. <br />