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10/1/2021 2:09:33 PM
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10/1/2021 2:08:58 PM
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Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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61 Member Spencer indicated that now the City has some new and large developments <br />62 going on, are they targeting them with some of this information as individuals or as <br />63 small businesses, multi -family homes, apartments. <br />64 Mr. Johnson indicated as of right now with the new buildings and redevelopment, <br />65 the City has not been focusing a lot on those buildings because they are brand new <br />66 and will be focused on being as efficient as possible. The City is looking for a little <br />67 bit more at the older stock, the commercial districts which have been focused on <br />68 more than the new buildings that have gone up. <br />69 Chair Wozniak asked how the Commission can help and who they are connected <br />70 with. <br />71 Ms. Gunderzik indicated the Commission could write the information down and <br />72 give them to her or City Staff and she will make a spreadsheet. She noted they <br />73 would also like to stay in communication with the Commission. <br />74 Mr. Johnson indicated he was open to all communications from the Commission <br />75 regarding information on organizations that might benefit from this program. <br />76 Chair Wozniak indicated the Rice Larpenteur Coalition might be worth contacting <br />77 and would be interested in the energy bourdon issue. He also wondered if the flier <br />78 will be available in several languages. <br />79 Ms. Gunderzik indicated the flier will be translated into Spanish and they can talk <br />80 about other languages that will beneficial as well. <br />81 Mr. Culver thought the City might have resources as well for converting the flier <br />82 into Mung, Koran, Somali as well as other languages. He indicated the City Police <br />83 Department has some resources in working with that type of thing. <br />84 Chair Wozniak indicated he did some exploring when he was considering this topic <br />85 and he was getting down the renewable connect rabbit hole online. He explained <br />86 he has not seen anything like that before but is a way to sign up for community <br />87 solar gardens and he was very interested in that. He noted that there are only two <br />88 subscription holder in Ramsey County and neither of them are offering any <br />89 subscriptions. He wondered if this had to be in Ramsey County, could it be out of <br />90 state and how easy it is. He indicated he has been running into roadblocks and was <br />91 a little confused by that. <br />92 Ms. Gunderzik thought what Chair Wozniak was looking at was their Solar <br />93 Rewards Community and a person can apply with the actual developer of a solar <br />94 garden. It can be within the County lived in or any County adjacent to it. She noted <br />95 they do have a renewable connect program also. <br />96 Chair Wozniak thanked Ms. Week and Ms. Gunderzik for the presentation. <br />97 <br />98 6. City Council Joint Meeting Review <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />
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