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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
10/27/2021 8:34:19 AM
Creation date
10/27/2021 8:34:05 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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7. Items for Next Meeting —October 26, 2021 <br />Discussion ensued regarding the October PWETC agenda: <br />• Proposed Utility Rates and Fees <br />• Introduction to Crosswalk Policies <br />Chair Wozniak asked if staff has had any luck with recruiting a student member to <br />the Commission. <br />Mr. Culver indicated the City has not and he did not believe any of the other <br />Commissions were having luck with recruiting student members either. He <br />reviewed the process for student commission recruitment. <br />Member Joyce asked if the Commission wanted to do a tour of the public works <br />facilities before winter. <br />Mr. Culver indicated he would like to propose a tour of the booster station outside <br />of the normal meeting time. He indicated they could also do a walk through of the <br />maintenance facility as well. <br />Vice Chair Ficek indicated since the last meeting he noticed school has started and <br />there are more kids walking around. With all of the walking he was particularly <br />thinking about the middle school and the high school and some of the intersections <br />where there are signals and he was wondering what the potential would be for <br />implementing a leading pedestrian interval. <br />Mr. Culver explained a leading pedestrian interval is a special interval of time in <br />the signal cycle where the intersection is all red for that pedestrian phase. It would <br />actually bring up the walk signal several seconds prior to any of the green lights <br />coming up. What that does is gets the pedestrian into the intersection and makes <br />them visible to the drivers waiting at the intersection before the light turns green <br />and it also gets them a third or so through the intersection before cars are allowed <br />to move. It has shown to be very effective in increasing safety at intersections. It <br />is a very good safety treatment at signalized intersections. He explained for <br />implementation in Roseville, all of the traffic signals in Roseville are controlled by <br />either Ramsey County or MnDOT. The City would have to work with those <br />agencies on that. He would imagine those agencies would have to look at it from a <br />big picture perspective. <br />Member Collins indicated he has been going by the high school area ever since <br />school started this year and late at night after football games it is extremely busy in <br />that area and kind of hard to see with it being really dark. He thought the suggestion <br />about the crosswalks in that area would be really great idea <br />Mr. Culver noted next year it is going to be really interesting around that area The <br />County received some Federal money to update the signal at Lexington and County <br />Road B2, adding two left turn lanes. There will be left turn lanes with left turn <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />
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