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MnDOT Contract No.: 1048647 <br />v. Paint and maintain the pedestrian crosswalk markings. <br />4.2. State Responsibilities. <br />A. Interconnect; Timing; Other Maintenance. The State will maintain the Interconnect and signing, and <br />perform all other Signal System, Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS), and signal pole luminaire circuit <br />maintenance without cost to the County. All Signal System timing will be determined by the State, and <br />no changes will be made without the State's approval. <br />B. EVP System Operation. The EVP System will be installed, operated, maintained, and removed according <br />to the following conditions and requirements: <br />i. All maintenance of the EVP System must be done by State forces. <br />ii. Emitter units may be installed only on authorized emergency vehicles, as defined in Minnesota <br />Statutes § 169.011, Subdivision 3. Authorized emergency vehicles may use emitter units only when <br />responding to an emergency. The City or County will provide the State's District Engineer or their <br />designated representative a list of all vehicles with emitter units, if requested by the State. <br />iii. Malfunction of the EVP System must be reported to the State immediately. <br />iv. In the event the EVP System or its components are, in the opinion of the State, being misused or <br />the conditions set forth in Paragraph ii. above are violated, and such misuse or violation continues <br />after the City or County receives written notice from the State, the State may remove the EVP <br />System. Upon removal of the EVP System pursuant to this Paragraph, all of its parts and <br />components become the property of the State. <br />v. All timing of the EVP System will be determined by the State. <br />4.3. Right-of-Way Access. Each party authorizes the other party to enter upon their respective public <br />right-of-way to perform the maintenance activities described in this Agreement. <br />4.4. Related Agreements. This Agreement will supersede and terminate Agreement No. 72330M, dated <br />January 17, 1995, between the parties. <br />5. Basis of City Cost <br />5.1. Schedule "I". The Preliminary Schedule "I" includes all anticipated City participation construction items, <br />State Furnished Materials lump sum amounts, and the construction engineering cost share covered under <br />this Agreement, and is based on engineer's estimated unit prices. <br />5.2. City Participation Construction. The City will participate in the following at the percentages indicated. The <br />construction includes the City's proportionate share of item costs for Mobilization and Traffic Control. <br />A. 20 Percent will be the City's rate of cost participation in all of the signal system construction. The <br />construction includes, but is not limited to, those construction items tabulated on Sheet No. 2 of the <br />Preliminary Schedule "I". <br />5.3. State Furnished Materials. The State will furnish a signal cabinet, video detection, and PTZ video camera <br />("State Furnished Materials"), according to the Project Plans, to operate the traffic control signal system <br />covered under this Agreement. The City's lump sum share for State Furnished Materials is $12,498.85. The <br />City's cost share for State Furnished Materials will be added to the City's total construction cost share as <br />shown in the Schedule "I". <br />5.4. Construction Engineering Costs. The City will pay a construction engineering charge equal to 8 percent of <br />the total City participation construction covered under this Agreement. <br />-4- <br />Three Party City-County Receivable Standard with Signal (Cooperative Agreements) <br /> <br />