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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: May 11, 2020 <br />7.c <br />Item No.: <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Update on Sustainability Efforts <br />1 B ACKGROUND <br />2 The City of Roseville has long investigated and pursued energy saving and sustainable efforts in City <br />3 operations while also promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship throughout the City. <br />4 Efforts towards sustainable practices and reducing the City’s carbon footprint and greenhouse gas <br />5 emissions began in earnest with the installation of a geothermal system in 2008 for the indoor ice <br />6 arena. Efforts expanded with participation in the GreenStep Cities Program. The City is currently at <br />7 Step 3 and expects to graduate to Step 4 this year. <br />8 In 2019, the City installed solar panels on City Hall, the Maintenance Facility and the Fire Station. <br />9 The City also subscribed to two large Community Solar Gardens. With these efforts, the City is well <br />10 on the way to using renewable energy sources for over 50% of the total electrical energy <br />11 consumption on the three facilities listed above. <br />12 There is clearly a desire to continue to expand our efforts on sustainability and to promote, educate <br />13 and provide opportunities for sustainability for our residents and businesses within the City. To that <br />14 point, the City’s recently adopted Comprehensive Plan sets goals to reduce community-wide <br />15 greenhouse emissions by 80 percent from 2005 levels by 2050. <br />16 The Public Works, Environment and Transportation (PWET) Commission has been taking input <br />17 from members of the public and has received several presentations recently about sustainability <br />18 efforts. The City has been active in seeking assistance from several resources including Xcel <br />19 Energy, the Minnesota GreenCorps program, Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTS), and other <br />20 agencies in order to develop our next steps towards achieving our goals. <br />21 Staff will be providing an update on these efforts including the recent designation as host site for a <br />22 GreenCorps member. Staff is asking the Council to provide feedback to help guide staff and the <br />23 PWET Commission on their efforts over the next several months. <br />24 F INANCIAL I MPACTS <br />25 There are no currently identified costs to the City for any of the efforts underway or discussed. There <br />26 may be some support costs for the GreenCorps member that will be working with the City, but any <br />27 costs should be able to be absorbed through the existing budget. Future efforts, such as expanding <br />28 on the Energy Action Plan or implementing elements of a benchmarking system, may have some <br />29 costs that staff will bring to the Council for consideration as those efforts are recommended for <br />30 implementation. <br />31 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />32 Receive presentation on sustainability efforts within the City of Roseville and provide staff with <br />Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br />