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<br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: September 14, 2020 <br />Item No.: 9.d <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Approve Owasso Gardens Public Improvement Contract <br />1 D ISCUSSION <br />2 On July 27, 2020, the Roseville City Council approved the minor plat for Owasso Gardens. As part <br />3 of the approval, the developer was required to enter into a public improvement contract for the <br />4 public sidewalk improvement that would be constructed as part of the project. In order to serve the <br />5 site and adjacent properties, the City required that a six-foot concrete sidewalk be constructed on the <br />6 west side of the Rice Street right-of-way and on the north side of the South Owasso Boulevard right- <br />7 of-way, adjacent to the redeveloped parcel. The details of such improvements are specified in the <br />8 Public Improvement Contract (Attachment A) and shown in the plans (Attachment B). <br />9 All work would be done through the developer’s contractor. All costs for the improvements would <br />10 be paid by the developer. The estimated cost of construction of the public infrastructure is <br />11 $69,312.80. The developer will provide a financial security in the amount of 125% of the estimated <br />12 cost of construction, $86,641.00, in the event the developer fails to perform. <br />13 The City will oversee the construction. The developer will pay the City $2,773.00 for these <br />14 inspection services. <br />15 The public improvementsare planned to be completed by January 31, 2022. <br />16 The attached contract has been reviewed by the City Attorney. <br />17 The City has applied, and has been approved, for County cost participation funds to fill in the <br />18 sidewalk gaps created by the construction of the sidewalk with this development. The City would <br />19 plan to construct a sidewalk from the development up to Woodlynn Avenue and from the <br />20 development down to County Road C2 in 2021 (Attachment D). These improvements would <br />21 complete a missing connection on the pathway master plan and provide better connectivity to the <br />22 transit hub on Market Place in Little Canada. <br />23 F INANCIAL I MPLICATIONS <br />24 The estimated cost of these improvements, based on preliminary figures provided by the developer’s <br />25 engineering consultant, is approximately $69,312.80. The developer will provide a financial security <br />26 in the amount of 125% of the estimated cost of construction, $86,641.00. <br />27 The contract, as presented, has the developer paying for all the costs of the improvement including: <br />28 design, inspection, construction and City staff time related to the improvement. The developer will <br />29 pay the City $2,773.00 to cover staff time overseeing the project. <br />30 S TAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />31 Staff recommends that Council approve the Owasso Gardens Public Improvement Contract. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br />