Laserfiche WebLink
12 <br /> <br /> <br />SELF-ASSESSMENT KEY: <br /> <br /> <br /> UNSURE WHICH WE ARE DOING: <br />whether you work is outreach, community engagement, or in a stage <br />somewhere in between. <br /> DOING PRIMARILY OUTREACH: Select this column if most often you <br />believe your work is mostly outreach rather than mostly community <br />engagement. <br /> BEGINNING TO MOVE TO CE: Select this column if you or others in your <br />organization have begun seriously discussing an interest in or <br />commitment to incorporating community engagement practices and <br />principles but have yet to implement any strategies or policies to do so. <br /> WORKING TOWARD CE: Select this column if you or your organization <br />have begun to implement some community engagement practices, but <br />your organization/team has yet to formally adopt community engagement <br />principles to be at the core and forefront of all the work you do. <br /> DOING CE: Select this column if the vast majority of the time you or your <br />organization are doing community engagement and have formally created <br />systems and practices to continually learn and adapt through community <br />engagement. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />