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36 <br />Step2:StakeholderDevelopment <br />UnderstandHowPeoplePerceivetheDecision(Impact <br />Step 1: <br />&StakeholderAnalysis) <br />Gain Internal <br />What do the stakeholders care about? <br />Commitment <br />How will the potential decision affect them? <br />What will motivate them to participate? <br />What level of influence do they want over the decision? <br />What issues will be most controversial? <br />Step 2: Learn <br />from the Public <br />DevelopaComprehensiveListofStakeholders& <br />Categorize <br />Who are the key stakeholders, who are those indirectly <br />affected, and who are those who are not affected but might <br />Step 3: <br />have influence on the decision? <br />Define Level of <br />Begin to meet informally with stakeholders to develop list of <br />Participation <br />issues & ask them to identify other stakeholders. <br />Establish what they know about the decision to be made. <br />CorrelateStakeholders&Issues <br />Step 4: <br />List each issue and identify the level of impact the decision will <br />Define Decision <br />Process & P2 likely have (None, Low, Moderate, High, Unknown) <br />List potential stakeholders for each issue <br />Rate the level of concern for each issue <br />Step 5: <br />Identify any geographic boundaries of stakeholders <br />Design Public <br />Participation & <br />Review/Redefinestatementofpurposeorproblemto <br />Communication Plan <br />solve <br />mirror the <br />Review with decision maker any disparity of problem/decision <br /> <br /> <br />