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Attachment F <br /> <br />To:*RVCouncil; Dawn O"Connor; Pat Trudgeon <br />Subject:Online Form Submittal: 2021 Roseville Resident Budget Priorities <br />Date:Sunday, August 9, 2020 11:21:16 PM <br />Caution: This email originated outside our organization; please use <br />caution. <br />2021 Roseville Resident Budget Priorities <br />The City Council is seeking feedback from residents about the preliminary budget <br />and would like to hear from you. For more details on the preliminary 2021 city <br />budget, including a link to video of the City Manager budget presentation, please <br />visit <br />Contact Information <br />W <br />First Name <br />W <br />Last Name <br />Field not completed. <br />Address 1 <br />Field not completed. <br />Address 2 <br />Field not completed. <br />City <br />Field not completed. <br />State <br />Field not completed. <br />Zip Code <br />Field not completed. <br />Home or Cell Phone <br />Number <br />Field not completed. <br />Email Address <br />In short, I fully support the addition of the 6 firefighters as well as <br />1. In what ways does <br />improving roads and adding to the police force - not community <br />the preliminary budget <br />police but rather those officers that are trained to enforce law and <br />align with your priorities <br />order. Lets maintain safety in our community through the <br />for Roseville? <br />enforcement of law and order! <br />Roseville, MN has been my home for over a decade. However, I <br />2. In what ways does <br />am seeing a decline in the leadership and focus of my city. It <br />the preliminary budget <br />would have been my hope, that Roseville, would learn from the <br />not align with your <br />failed leadership of our neighboring cities such as Minneapolis <br />priorities for Roseville? <br />and St. Paul instead of following the same agenda. This budget <br />Are there areas of the <br />with the addition of 2 additional staff members (Officer: Diversity <br />budget that you would <br />Program & Equity & Inclusion Manager) are not only completely <br />like to see the city <br />unnecessary, but a point of contention that will further cause <br />41 <br /> <br />