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Roseville Civic Campus Master Plan <br />Social Pinpoint - Data Extract <br />09/15/20 <br />Ideas Map: <br />Comments on Existing <br />I feel as if the licensing center needs to be either moved into a larger building, be remodeled or <br />both. Its small and I personally don't feel that it is equipped to continue servicing the ever <br />growing Roseville Area. <br />I think the community could benefit from the installation of an outdoor bars facility. Where <br />people can workout with out weights or gym membership. Focusing on calisthenics. Kids can <br />play, and athletes/general public can workout! <br />Comments on Option A1 <br />good traffic flow, nice green space, nice design. (down-voted by one other) <br />my sister and I live in the Lexington apartments and love the. playground and green area and <br />baseball field across the street from our apartment. putting a huge obtrusive bldg there would <br />devastate our view. I am deeply saddened by this plan. the park is used by children ALL DAY <br />LONG1 <br />Comments on Option A2 <br />i really don't like any of the plans, but A2 reusing the public works buildings makes the most <br />sense. this is going to be a very expensive project no matter what design is chosen. instead of <br />trying to shoehorn public works into the space to the north, the city should buy the 5/6 <br />residential properties to the west of veterans park so there is enough room to do the project <br />properly. the cost to purchase those properties would be a tiny fraction of the overall cost of the <br />project. (up-voted by one other) <br />maybe the most cost efficient (remodel vs new construction), maybe not. design flow 2nd best, <br />still appears to not provide as much green space for community outside (like the shoreview <br />community center) <br />Comments on Option B <br />compact maintenance facility, good location access for license center, vfw and generous green <br />space, at first look the best design flow, least disruption to area, <br /> <br />