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Sample Application <br />A major part of being a Youth Commissioner is bringing ideas and recommendations to the City Council. <br />The purpose of this question is to show that you can look at different sides of an issue, consider a wide <br />variety of viewpoints, and provide direction. <br />Sample Question: A common issue around the country is should citizens at the age of 16 be able to vote <br />in local elections, rather than at age 18. What is your opinion on this issue? Please provide three reasons <br />for your answer (if you use facts or quotes please cite your sources). Then include three points from an <br />opposing view. For this application, your personal opinion on this topic does not matter. (You may <br />attach a separate sheet with your answer.)___________________________________________ <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />Have you previously served on a board or commission for the City of Roseville? Yes No --If yes, <br />which board or commission and years of service?__________________________ <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />Have you served on a board or commission for another governmental entity? Yes No --If yes, what <br />entity, and what was your role? _____________________________________ <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />Parental Permission for Applicants Less Than 18 Years of Age * If you are less than 18 years of age, <br />parental permission is required for you to serve on a City of Roseville commission. I am the parent or <br />legal guardian of the applicant listed above. I have reviewed this application form and understand that <br />the applicant’s participation on a City of Roseville commission is voluntary. I understand that City of <br />Roseville commission meetings are broadcast live on television. I also understand that certain data on <br />my child as an applicant and as a member of a City of Roseville commission is public under the law. I give <br />permission for my child to serve on a City of Roseville commission. I give permission for my child’s image <br />to be used and disclosed to the public in photographs, videos, websites, social media, and on television <br />in relation to my child’s work with a City of Roseville commission. I understand that if my child’s <br />application is selected for consideration by the City Council, all of the data contained in my child’s <br />application materials and provided to the City in support of my child’s application will be published in <br />the City Council packet and will be made available to the public, with the exception of my child’s <br />address, email address, and phone numbers. I give permission for this disclosure. <br />____________________________________________ _____________________________ <br />Signature of Guardian/Parent Date <br /> <br />