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Attachment A <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 4, 2021 <br />Page 17 <br />714 subtractions and going from there. Then, the next discussion may be the next level <br />715 of conversation about those changes. <br />716 <br />717 The Council agreed. <br />718 <br />th <br />719 Mr. Trudgeon indicated he planned on bringing this back on January 25 for further <br />720 discussion. <br />721 <br />722 Public Comment <br />723 <br />724 Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment. <br />725 <br />726 Miss Priscilla Morton <br />727 Ms. Morton explained she had specific comments about the environmental sus- <br />728 tainability portions of this plan, which she will defer because it will be discussed <br />729 at a later date. She did believe it was a very strong interest in the community and <br />730 it was not necessarily pointed out in the survey that was taken. Environmental <br />731 sustainability overlaps with things like development and housing and as the City <br />732 talks about these individual priorities, she hoped some of these discussions can be <br />733 merged so that the importance of how they overlap and effect each other are seen <br />734 from the point of view of the people who are actually living and working in the <br />735 development that is produced. <br />736 <br />737 f. Discuss RosevilleÓs 2021 Legislative Priorities <br />738 City Manager Patrick Trudgeon briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the Re- <br />739 quest for Council Action and related attachments dated January 4, 2021. <br />740 <br />741 Mayor Roe noted on the local option sales tax the calendar for 2021, consideration <br />742 is that the City has to get their list of projects, dollar amounts, tax value, and all of <br />743 that to the legislature by the end of this month in order for the legislature to take it <br />744 up in the 2021 session. He thought the recognition was that is not feasible. Where <br />745 this was left at the last Council discussion, was for staff to come back with some <br />746 numbers associated with those things, potential projects, costs, and what that might <br />747 look like, but things intervened and nothing has been followed through on that con- <br />748 versation. <br />749 <br />750 Councilmember Willmus stated that was something he wanted to call attention to <br />751 and with respect to the larger retail centers in the city and the impact that is being <br />752 seen on local infrastructure, this is something the Council needs to stay on top of <br />753 and be proactive with. He indicated they have frankly let this slide for many years <br />754 and now the City is at a point of time where the Council needs to be in front of it a <br />755 little bit so that the City is prepared for 2022. He noted there is significant potential <br />756 to help the City with infrastructure costs, it is something the Council wavers on <br />757 from time to time and it is set aside. But it is something that, as a group, needs to <br />758 be focused on for staff to bring forward to the legislature. <br /> <br />