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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> Date: January 25, 2021 <br /> Item No.: 7.i <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Discuss Community Aspirations, Organizational Priorities, and the Policy <br />Priority Plan <br /> <br />1 B ACKGROUND <br />2 At the January 4 City Council meeting, staff brought forward a discussion regarding goal setting <br />3 beginning with a review of the 2019-20 Policy Priority Plan (PPP). As part of the discussion, the City <br />4 Council discussed the role of public input in the process and the purpose of the PPP document. In the <br />5 end the City Council agreed to continue to review and discuss the PPP and have conversations about <br />6 additions or subtractions to the plan at future meetings. (Attachment A). <br />7 <br />8 After the January 4 meeting, the Department Head team discussed the role of the Community <br />9 Aspirations adopted by the City Council, the PPP, and the staff created OrganizationalPriorities that are <br />10 used as part of the City Manager’s budgeting process. As a group, the Department Heads felt all three <br />11 aspects (Community Aspirations, the PPP, and Organizational Priorities) had important components, <br />12 yet were somewhat disconnectedas currently utilized. It was felt that the City Council should have <br />13 additional conversation regarding the roles of each of the documents in the goals and prioritiesso as to <br />14 better align the city’s work and resources towards those outcomes. <br />15 <br />16 Below is a brief discussion of each of the documents to provide some background and context to the <br />17 Council on how they were created and are used by the City. <br />18 <br />19 Community Aspirations On April 9, 2012, the City Council adopted the current Mission Statement <br />20 and Community Aspirations. The Community Aspirations were based on the aspirations identified as <br />21 part of the Imagine Roseville 2025 communitywide visioning process that took place in 2006. The <br />22 Community Aspirations are as follows: <br />23 <br />24 As a community, we aspire to be: <br />25 Welcoming, inclusive, and respectful; <br />26 Safe and law-abiding; <br />27 Economically prosperous, with a stable and broad tax base; <br />28 Secure in our diverse and quality housing and neighborhoods; <br />29 Environmentally responsible, with well-maintainednatural assets; <br />30 Physically and mentally active and healthy; <br />31 Well-connected through transportation and technology infrastructure; and <br />Page 1 of 4 <br /> <br />