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80 <br />81 The most recent Organizational Priorities are as follows: <br />82 <br />83 <br />84 <br />85 Discussion <br />86 As can be seen, the variety of guidance documents for the city’s work sprung up over time and while <br />87 there are attempts to make all of the guiding documents interact and connect with each other, it is <br />88 important to pause and have a deliberate conversation on these guidance documents. Specifically, the <br />89 City Manager would like the Council to discuss the continued relevanceof each document and how <br />90 they can best be utilized to ensure they are working in unison. <br />91 <br />92 From staff’s perspective, the Community Aspirations still have relevance. However, as they arebased <br />93 off of a community-wide visioning process held 15 years ago, the Council should discuss whether or <br />94 not the guidance from Imagine Roseville 2025 are still relevant and whether a new community-wide <br />95 visioning process should be undertaken. <br />96 <br />97 Absent a new community visioning process and the continued use of the existing Community <br />98 Aspirations, staff feels that greater attention should be given to the OrganizationalPriorities, which <br />99 currently is only a staff-created document. In order to be more relevant, staff suggests that <br />100 determination of the organizational priorities should be a staff and City Council collaborative effort that <br />101 ties directly to the Community Aspirations. <br />102 <br />103 Finally, in regards to the PPP, it seems that it is primarily serving as a work plan for the upcoming year. <br />104 Staff suggest changing the current PPP into an annual work plan (e.g. 2021 City of Roseville Work <br />Page 3 of 4 <br /> <br />