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7c RCA USE THIS ONE PF20-026_RCA_20210222 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />Storm Water Management 88 <br />The grading and storm water management plan illustrated in Attachment C addresses the proposed 89 <br />development on the lots as required. Like the tree preservation plan, the storm water management plan 90 <br />reviewed with a plat proposal is not intended to be approved with the plat as the final storm water 91 <br />management plan. Instead, the tree preservation and storm water management plans reviewed with a plat 92 <br />proposal are intended to demonstrate that the standard City Code requirements can be met as the 93 <br />proposed project is implemented. 94 <br />Public Comment 95 <br />Plat applications creating four or more lots require the developer to hold an “open house meeting” to 96 <br />engage nearby community members, answer their questions, and address their concerns. Because of the 97 <br />social-distancing mandate, the applicants did not hold a conventional meeting, and instead they made 98 <br />themselves available for people to engage with them in person, by email, and by phone over several 99 <br />days. A summary of this engagement is a required component of this plat application, and it was 100 <br />submitted to staff on October 8; staff emailed this summary to each community member who engaged in 101 <br />the “open house” and provided an email address, and it is included with this RCA as Attachment E. 102 <br />Draft minutes of the February 3 public hearing as well as additional feedback received since then are 103 <br />included as well. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Planning Commission voted (5-1, with 104 <br />McGehee voting against) to recommend approval of the proposed Preliminary Plat. Commissioner 105 <br />McGehee’s vote of opposition mostly related to the proximity of the shared driveway to the existing 106 <br />home to the west. 107 <br />POLICY OBJECTIVE 108 <br />• Establish public‐private partnerships to ensure life‐cycle housing throughout that City attracts 109 <br />and retains a diverse mix of people, family types, economic statuses, ages, and so on. 110 <br />• Employ flexible zoning for property redevelopment to meet broader housing goals such as 111 <br />density, open space, and lot size. 112 <br />• Explore opportunities to encourage smaller housing units, “non‐traditional” housing 113 <br />development (which could include culturally‐appropriate housing to reflect the population 114 <br />demographics of the City), and opportunities to address the lack of housing in the “missing 115 <br />middle”. 116 <br />BUDGET IMPLICATIONS 117 <br />Refer to DRC comments in Attachment E. 118 <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION 119 <br />Adopt a resolution approving the proposed Preliminary Plat of The Woods of Roseville based on the 120 <br />content of this RCA, public input, and City Council deliberation, with the following condition. Pursuant 121 <br />to the memo from Public Works staff in Attachment D of this RCA, the applicant shall enter into an 122 <br />encroachment agreement for the driveway within the existing utility easements. 123 <br />REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION 124 <br />Adopt a resolution approving the proposed Preliminary Plat of The Woods of Roseville based on the 125 <br />content of this RCA, public input, and City Council deliberation, with the following condition. Pursuant 126 <br />to the memo from Public Works staff in Attachment D of this RCA, the applicant shall enter into an 127 <br />encroachment agreement for the driveway within the existing utility easements. 128