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proposal. She noted this will also affect the privacy she will have, which she 147 <br />considers a single-family property. Her goal is for this property not to be developed. 148 <br /> 149 <br />Ms. Buboltz noted she has spoken to an attorney about adverse possession on part of 150 <br />the property line that she has taken care of since moving into her home, as far as 151 <br />mowing, weeding, putting class five rock down, etc. She indicated this coming 152 <br />summer will be the sixth year and the previous owner took care of the property as 153 <br />well because he owned and farmed the property. 154 <br /> 155 <br />Mr. Mike Buboltz explained one of the biggest concerns, when talking about drainage 156 <br />going into the east side townhomes, he wondered how this property can possibly meet 157 <br />the permeability of the drainage. He thought it looked like there would be too much 158 <br />on the property to meet the drainage requirements. His other concern is will the road 159 <br />be considered a driveway or a public roadway. 160 <br /> 161 <br />Ms. Buboltz asked if the change in the plan was because the Fire Department needed 162 <br />to get in and be able to turn around. She understood the financial piece and that the 163 <br />property was purchased to make money and she did not have a problem with that, but 164 <br />she did have a problem with what is going to happen with the property to make that 165 <br />money. She indicated she wanted to understand the sprinkler system and also how an 166 <br />HOA is going to work there and where will the garbage containers be located; will 167 <br />each home have a container or will there be a bin somewhere. She also wondered 168 <br />which school system this will impact. Currently where she is located, she thought the 169 <br />students went to Mounds View and most of the time there is a Mounds View bus that 170 <br />drops riders off and with the addition of this development to the massive project that 171 <br />is going up on old Highway 8 and how that is going to impact the school system. She 172 <br />explained she just received this information so was not able to clearly go through all 173 <br />of it. She also had a question about two sewer caps that were recently dug out, one is 174 <br />on part of her property and on part of the other property. There is also one way in the 175 <br />back of the property. 176 <br /> 177 <br />Mr. Lloyd explained with respect to impervious coverage, the Zoning Code allows for 178 <br />up to sixty-five percent of the site to be improved in some way with built things, 179 <br />whether impervious or not. He believed this project is approximately forty-four 180 <br />percent impervious which is not yet nearing the limit. He indicated the driveway is 181 <br />indeed a private shared driveway and not a public street. With respect to the Fire 182 <br />Department’s requirements, his understanding of them is on a townhome project, or 183 <br />any residential project, needs either to have a place for a fire engine to turn around in, 184 <br />adequately sized, or the building themselves have to be sprinklered. This is a 185 <br />requirement. The person developing a site needs to pick one of those methods of 186 <br />conforming to the Fire Department Code. 187 <br /> 188 <br />Mr. Lloyd indicated he did not know anything about the sewer cap issue. He believed 189 <br />it was correct to state the homes will be in the Mounds View School District although 190 <br />the School District boundaries are not a regular part of what the Zoning Code or 191 <br />Subdivision Code seeks to use as reasons to approve or not approve something. He 192 <br />explained the City Engineer has recommended a conditional of approval that the 193 <br />developer needs to create a HOA for the new homeowners if this is approved. This 194 <br />will make sure the stormwater BMP’s are properly maintained and the common areas 195 <br />RCA Attachment E <br />Page 4 of 28