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that what the Commission is here to do is to look at the plat. Based on what the 245 <br />Commission is being asked to do, those questions have been raised and unless there is 246 <br />anything from a plat perspective and there is no variance, the Commission should 247 <br />move forward and approve this as presented. 248 <br /> 249 <br />Member McGehee thought in this case there are too many outstanding questions that 250 <br />do pertain to this plat and they pertain in a way that will affect ongoing zoning so she 251 <br />will not support the motion based on discussions and the comments by the residents 252 <br />as well as by the definitional problems the City has with its own definition for buffers 253 <br />and the fact that it shifted without much notice to the neighbors from townhomes to 254 <br />duplexes, which is a significant change. 255 <br /> 256 <br />Community Development Director Gundlach clarified the motion that was made. She 257 <br />noted the role of the Commission is to implement the Zoning Code as it currently 258 <br />exists. The Zoning Code as it currently exists does not include a 125-foot setback 259 <br />from the western property line where it is being defined as a street. The Zoning Code 260 <br />does provide some authority to the City Engineer and does not distinguish between a 261 <br />driveway and a street but the Code for the 125-foot setback applies to a street. The 262 <br />City Council can decide to look at the Zoning Code and change it in the future but 263 <br />right now the application has been made, a plat is before the Commission and it is the 264 <br />responsibility of the Commission to implement the Zoning Code. She explained there 265 <br />are no buffer requirements either but appreciated the property owners concern to the 266 <br />west as well as the concerns that Commissioner McGehee has made. At the building 267 <br />permit phase, once the structures are applied for a building permit, all of the 268 <br />requirements of the Code will be implemented. 269 <br /> 270 <br />City Planner Paschke clarified the difference between a duplex and a single lot 271 <br />development. 272 <br /> 273 <br />Ayes: 5 274 <br />Nays: 1 (McGehee) 275 <br />Motion carried. 276 <br /> 277 <br />RCA Attachment E <br />Page 6 of 28