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Roseville City Priority Plan <br />2019-2020 <br />Strategic Priority: Housing <br />Strategic Initiative: Housing in Roseville Meets All Identified Needs (Housing Style/Type, Affordability, Availability, Market Needs) <br />Desired Outcomes: Increase the # of New Housing Units <br />Goals/Focus Area Responsible Staff/Commission Timeline <br />Ensure newly added housing <br />units consist of a variety of <br />housing styles and <br />affordability levels <br />Staff Lead: Community Development <br /> <br />Supporting Staff: City Manager, <br />Public Works Department <br /> <br />Commissions: Planning <br />Commission, EDA <br /> <br />Others: Consultants, brokers, <br />developers, property owners <br />1st Quarter, 2019 <br />• Make Housing Needs Assessment available on the City’s <br />website <br />2nd Quarter, 2019 <br />• Invite residential land broker to EDA meeting to provide <br />a market update and conduct Q & A <br />3rd Quarter, 2019 <br />• Reconcile Housing goals in Comp Plan w/Housing Needs <br />Assessment and develop top 3-5 priorities for EDA <br />consideration <br />• Map housing priority sites in terms of 3-5 priorities – <br />present to EDA for feedback & consensus <br />4th Quarter, 2019 <br />• Arrange & conduct an event for real estate professionals <br />& developers focusing on promoting residential <br />development in Roseville <br />2020 and Beyond <br />• Monitor and update map of housing priority sites <br />• Update Housing Needs Assessment <br />• Annually track housing units added & type via building <br />permit data <br /> <br />Measures of Success: <br />• EDA consensus on top 3-5 housing priorities <br />• Progress is made towards adding the prioritized housing unit types <br />• Promote Roseville housing opportunities to at least 3 developers a year <br />RCA Attachment E <br />Page 6 of 10