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11 Public Comment <br />12 As of the time this RCA was prepared, no additional comments from the public about the proposed plat <br />13 have been received by Planning Division staff. <br />14 P OLICY O BJECTIVE <br />15 <br />16 and retains a diverse mix of people, family types, economic statuses,ages,and so on. <br />17 Employ flexible zoning for property redevelopment to meet broader housing goals such as <br />18 density, open space, and lot size. <br />19 Explore opportunities to encourage smaller housing un <br />20 development (which could include propriate housing to reflect the population <br />21 demographics ofthe City), and opportunities to address the lack of housing in the “missing <br />22 <br />23 Approve final plat applications that are substantially the same as the approved preliminary plat. <br />24 B UDGET I MPLICATIONS <br />25 None <br />26 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />27 Adopt a resolution approving the proposed ‘The Woods of Roseville’ final plat, based on the content of <br />28 this RCA, the public record, and City Council deliberation, with the following condition. Pursuant to the <br />29 memo from Public Works staff reviewed with the preliminary plat, the applicant shall enter into an <br />30 encroachment agreement for the driveway within the existing utility easements. <br />31 R EQUESTED C OUNCIL A CTIONS <br />32 Adopt a resolution approving the proposed ‘The Woods of Roseville’ final plat, based on the <br />33 content of this RCA, the public record, and City Council deliberation, with the following condition. <br />34 Pursuant to the memo from Public Works staff reviewed with the preliminary plat, the applicant shall <br />35 enter into an encroachment agreement for the driveway within the existing utility easements. <br />36 Alternative Actions <br />37 A)Pass a motion to table the itemsfor future action. An action to table consideration of the <br />38 requestmust be based on the need for additional information or furtheranalysis to make a <br />39 decision on the request. Tabling beyond April 26, 2021, may require extension of the 60-day <br />40 action deadline established in Minn. Stat. §462.358 subd. 3b to avoid statutory approval. <br />41 B)Adopt a resolution to deny the request. A denial should be supported by specific findings of <br />42 fact based on the City Council’s review of the application, applicable zoning or subdivision <br />43 regulations, and the public record. <br />44 Prepared by Senior Planner Bryan Lloyd <br />Attachments: A: Area map C: The Woods of Roseville final plat <br />B: Resolution 11784 D: Draft final plat approval resolution <br /> <br />9d RCA <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />