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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: March 22, 2021 <br /> Item No.: 9.d <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Award 2021-2023 BMP Maintenance Program Contract <br />1 B ACKGROUND <br />2 Since 2006, the City of Roseville has been installing Stormwater Best Management Practices <br />3 (BMPs) to meet watershed permit requirements, relieve local flooding issues, and to improve and <br />4 protect our local water resources. To date, there are approximately 137publicBMPsites, the <br />5 majority of which consist of raingardens, biofiltration basins, and ponds. <br />6 Proper maintenance is required for long-term functionality, as well as proper plant establishment, <br />7 which keeps the basins functioning and attractive. Not only does the City want to protect its <br />8 investment in stormwater projects, maintenance is also required as a condition of the watershed <br />9 district permits obtained for street improvement projects. <br />10 The previous three-year contract from 2018-2020 for BMP maintenance expired at the end of 2020. <br />11 Similar to 2018 the City issued a request for proposal for a three-year maintenance contract of BMPs <br />12 throughout Roseville. <br />13 F INANCIAL I MPACTS <br />14 Staff received three (3)bids for this project. The low bid submitted by Sandstrom Land <br />15 Management in the amount of $102,976.88 which is 3.9% lower than the engineer’s estimate of <br />16 $107,114.00. The bid prices across the board were competitive with all bid totals slightly above the <br />17 engineers estimate. Annual costs are slightly lower than the previous contract. <br />Bidder202120222023Total <br />$35,000.00 $35,700.00 $36,414.00 $107,114.00 <br />Engineers Est. <br />$33,487.50 $33,487.50 $36,001.88 $102,976.88 <br />Sandstrom Land Management <br />$35,450.00 $37,100.00 $37,100.00 $109,650.00 <br />Outdoor Lab <br />$40,540.00 $40,540.00 $43,180.00 $124,260.00 <br />Minnesota Native Landscapes <br />18 Based on the low bid, staff recommends awarding the 2021-2023 BMPMaintenance Contract to <br />19 Sandstrom Land Management. <br />20 This project is proposed to be paid for using storm water CIP funds over the three-year contract. <br />21 Specifically a portion of the pond improvements/infiltration line item which has an overall budget of <br />22 $400,000. <br />23 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />24 Staff is requesting authorization to award a contract with Sandstrom Land Management for 2021- <br />25 2023Best Management Practice Maintenance Program. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br />