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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: March 22, 2021 <br />Item No.: 9.f <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Authorize staff to order 2022 plow truck replacement <br />1 B ACKGROUND <br />2 Vehicle #106, which is a2010 single axle plow truck, is scheduled for replacement in 2022. The <br />3 2022 Public Works Street Department Vehicle and Equipment fund Capital Improvement Program <br />4 (CIP) includes$210,000 for this replacement, and it is at the optimal age and condition to maximize <br />5 the re-sale or trade. <br />6 <br />7 Currently there are additional vehicle contract maintenance costs on particular Max force engines. In <br />8 conjunction with this, the last several years have seen model cutoff dates and long build dates push <br />9 large plow trucks out past the budgeted replacement cycle years. There are additional market issues <br />10 with labor and steel that are projecting at least a 7% price increase when the existing truck and body <br />st <br />11 manufacturing contracts expire on March 31of this year. <br />12 <br />13 Staff is requesting to proceed ordering a 2021 Western Star single axle cab and chassis from Boyer <br />14 Truck, per Minnesota State Bid Contract T-647(5),for $98,329.20 with projected delivery in early <br />15 2022. This will allow us to deliver the chassis to the service shop which will add the bed and plow <br />16 components as early as possible. <br />17 <br />18 Staff also requests to also proceed with the purchase order for $103,722 for the build of the truck <br />19 box, hydraulics, plow, wing, sander and pre-wet system, per Minnesota State Bid Contract S-863(5). <br />20 With this purchase order we would secure a build slot for projected delivery April 2022. <br />21 <br />22 The total costis $202,051.00. This cost is $7,949.00 under the budgeted amount of $210,000, with <br />23 an additional anticipated 7% savings of$14,144.00 due toincrease in labor, steel and new truck <br />24 fabricators costs anticipated in the next state contract. <br />25 F INANCIAL I MPACTS <br />26 The current 2022 Public Works Street Department Vehicle and Equipment fund Capital Improvement <br />27 Program (CIP) includes $210,000 for this replacement. This fund has a current balance of over <br />28 $600,000. There would not be any prepayments prior to the budgeted year. <br />29 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />30 Staff recommends authorizing staff to order a 2021 Western Star single axle cab and a total build of <br />31 a plow truck assembly for a total cost of $202,051 payable in 2022. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br />