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37 P OLICY O BJECTIVE <br />38 The Roseville Police Department seeks approval to apply for two Minnesota Department of Commerce <br />39 2021 Auto Theft Prevention Grants. Up to $100,000 in funds will support salary, equipment and training <br />40 costs of one dedicated Auto Theft Detective. Additionally, RPD seeks approval to apply for additional <br />41 funding for specialized equipment to aid in the investigation of auto theft and auto related crimes. Both <br />42 grant opportunities enhance the Department’s on-going effort to reduce motor vehicle thefts, impacting the <br />43 economic strain and trauma associated with victimization, through specialized equipment, enhanced <br />44 investigations, education and awareness and a partnership with RPD’s newly implemented Community <br />45 Action Team (CAT), as well as potential collaborations with outside agencies. <br />46 F INANCIAL I MPACTS <br />47 There is no initial financial impact applying for funding through the general Auto Theft Prevention grant <br />48 although considerations will need to be made to plan for equipment replacement in the City’s Capital <br />49 Improvement Plan (CIP). <br />50 There is a financial impact to consider when applying to the Auto Theft Prevention-Dedicated Auto Theft <br />51 Investigator grant. The grant amount not to exceed $100,000 will cover the salary and benefits to backfill <br />52 the selection of one detective to investigate auto theft crimes. The Auto Theft Detective will be selected <br />53 from within the current officers and the $100,000 will supply the salary and benefits to hire a new police <br />54 officer to backfill this position in the Patrol Unit. <br />55 In 2022, the Police Department’s current operating budget and other funding sources will absorb the <br />56 associated personnel, equipment and training costs necessary for the position. Also, as outlined in the RFP <br />57 (Attachment A), if RPD’s performance is showing positive results, grant funding will be extended through <br />58 June 30, 2023. While there is no obligation to the City to fund a full time position at the end of the grant, <br />59 RPD will look at additional grant opportunities or extending the funding through the levy, if necessary, <br />60 based on the impact the position has on reducing crime. <br />61 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />62 Staff recommends authorizing the Roseville Police Department to apply for two Minnesota Department of <br />63 Commerce auto theft prevention grants; the 2021 Auto Theft Prevention- Dedicated Auto Theft <br />64 Investigator grant and the 2021 Auto Theft Prevention- General grant. <br />65 R EQUESTED C OUNCIL A CTION <br />66 Authorize the Roseville Police Department to apply for two Minnesota Department of Commerce auto <br />67 theft prevention grants; the 2021 Auto Theft Prevention- Dedicated Auto Theft Investigator grant and the <br />68 2021 Auto Theft Prevention- General grant. <br />69 Prepared by: Erika Scheider, Chief of Police <br />70 Attachment: A. 2021 Auto Theft Prevention Grant- Investigator RFP <br />71 B. 2021 Auto Theft Prevention Grant- General RFP <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />