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CCP 01312022
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Last modified
1/27/2022 2:06:22 PM
Creation date
1/27/2022 2:05:55 PM
Roseville City Council
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Attachment C <br />5. For purposes of this Order, a “space of public accommodation” means a business, refreshment, <br />entertainment, or recreation facility, or an institution of any kind, whether licensed or not, whose <br />goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations are extended, offered, sold, or <br />otherwise made available to the public. Examples include bars, restaurants, retail stores, rental <br />establishments, City of Rosevillegovernment buildings, and service establishments as well as gyms, <br />workout facilities, recreational facilities, and service centers. This definition includes establishments <br />and facilities that offer food andbeverage not for on-premises consumption, including grocery <br />stores, markets, convenience stores, pharmacies, drug stores, and food pantries. <br />6.All employers of businesses that are spaces of public accommodation, as defined by this Order, shall <br />require their employees to wear a face covering whenever such employees have face-to-face contact <br />with the public. <br />7.The requirement in this Order that face-coverings be worn in certain circumstances is intended to <br />add to (and not substitute for) other practices (such as hand washing, staying home when sick, and <br />maintaining appropriate physical distancing of at least six feet) as recommended by public health <br />officials to minimize the spread of COVID-19. <br />8.It is recommended that any individual cover their nose and mouth with a mask or a cloth face <br />covering when physical distancing standards or at least six feet of separationcannot be maintained <br />among all individuals in accordance with CDC guidelines when in outdoor spaces. <br />9.Owners or managers of property subject to this Order shall post written notice of this Order at all <br />points used by the public to access the property. <br />10.Businesses and organizations are encouraged to provide masks for customers at no or nominal cost. <br />11. This amended order takes effect at ____ p.m. on _______________, 2022, and continues until ____ <br />p.m. on ___________, 2022, unless hereafter rescinded or extended or modified by Council action. <br />The motion was duly secondedbyMemberand upon vote beingtaken <br />thereon, the following voted in favor thereof__________________; and the following voted against: <br />_____________. <br />WHEREUPON said resolutionwas declared duly passed and adopted. <br /> <br />
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