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5/12/2022 1:15:13 PM
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5/12/2022 1:13:08 PM
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75 some serious momentum toward sustainability. The City also has an intern to work <br />76 on these things which hopefully will be afull-time position in the City in 2023. He <br />77 did not think that there is the thought, at the City of Roseville level, they need to <br />78 declare an emergency state to take other actions at this time. There are things they <br />79 would like to see the State do and the Legislature and are pushing for those things <br />80 whether the City signs the resolution or not. He thought that was kind of the tone <br />81 from the Council last night. The Council supports this stuff and know the local <br />82 Legislative representatives support this but the Council did not feel it would make <br />83 a difference if their name was on a list or not. <br />84 <br />85 Mr. Culver indicated he talked to Chair Wozniak and one thing that they need to do <br />86 a better job of is advocating, promoting and talking to their constituents and <br />87 residents in Roseville about what the City is already doing. The City is doing some <br />88 things to prepare themselves to make changes in the City to reduce its impact on <br />89 the climate within the City of Roseville and the City is also advocating for even <br />90 more aggressive things that cannot be done right now because of State law. He did <br />91 not want the residents to feel like this is not important to the City or be too <br />92 disappointed that the resolution did not get adopted because the work is still <br />93 happening in Roseville and the City is still a strong advocate for those things. If <br />94 there is a bill introduced that has something very specific to it then there is an <br />95 opportunity for the City Council to come out in favor of that specific bill or action <br />96 in the Legislature, which speaks more than a general resolution. <br />97 <br />98 Chair Wozniak indicated another thing that struck him at the Council meeting was <br />99 the very strong support for sustainability components to a possible future <br />100 maintenance facility for the City. He thought the Council really hit a home run there <br />101 in his view. He noted almost every Councilmember was advocating for sustainable <br />102 elements, the possible budget increase of about $5 million dollars to account for <br />103 being able to incorporate some of those elements into the final design plan. He also <br />104 added that the PWETC can still take action on that proposal if it wishes at a future <br />105 meeting. He encouraged members to consider that. <br />106 <br />107 Member Misra thought the fact that the Commission is taking action is more <br />108 significant and important. She indicated she did not have the language in front of <br />109 her but she would like the Commission to leave that as a possibility, that the <br />110 Commission would take up language at some future date. She did not know that <br />111 they are trying to state the City is in a state of emergency but maybe that there is an <br />112 ongoing climate emergency, which she thought was two different things. She <br />113 thought there is some significance in this group taking up some sort of a statement <br />114 about that but she thought it was much more important that the Commission is <br />115 doing actions. She encouraged residents of Roseville who have concerns about this <br />116 to continue to voice those concerns and keep the pressure on because she thought <br />117 that it matters and a significant enough matter that the City should be welcoming <br />118 of those voices. <br />119 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />
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