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3/9/2020 <br />St. Paul, MN Code of Ordinances <br />If any part or provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any person, entity or circumstances shall be adjudged <br />unconstitutional or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the part, provision <br />or application that is directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered, and shall not affect or <br />impair the validity of the remainder of this chapter or the application thereof to other persons, entities or circumstances. <br />(Ord. No. 17650, § 1, 4-27-89) <br />Sec. 236.10. - Advisory committee on environmentally acceptable packaging. <br />The council shall, by resolution, establish an advisory committee on environmentally acceptable packaging. The resolution shall <br />provide for the membership, manner of appointment, the committee's charge and its duration. The membership shall be drawn from <br />affected governmental units, business and industry, trade associations, general business organizations, consumer groups, <br />environmental groups and others as determined in the resolution. The committee shall be staffed by the health department. The charge <br />of the committee shall include the following: <br />(a) Monitoring industry and governmental actions relating to environmentally acceptable packaging; <br />(b) Advising the director on implementation issues; <br />(c) Advising the council on the feasibility of the effective date of this chapter and recommending whether or not the <br />effective date should be extended; <br />(d) Assisting in efforts to expand the city's recycling program to include the collection of potentially recyclable materials <br />not presently collected, including consideration of financial assistance; <br />(e) Recommending actions other levels of government and industry can take to advance the goals of this chapter; <br />(f) Assisting in the development and implementation of public education programs on recycling and packaging; and <br />(g) Encouraging adoption of substantially similar regulations by surrounding cities, particularly those with a border in <br />common with Saint Paul. <br />(Ord. No. 17650, § 1, 4-27-89) <br />4/4 <br />