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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
5/16/2022 9:06:41 AM
Creation date
5/16/2022 9:06:14 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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a recommendation to the City Council that the Council consider a Sustainability <br />Action Plan that has these components and that the PWETC would be an integral <br />part of carrying that forward. <br />Member Joyce indicated a lot of this is weaved into what the Commission is doing <br />right now. He thought the State Legislature is looking at things as well. <br />Member Cicha thought regarding the word "emergency", the whole scientific <br />community agrees that the world is in a climate emergency right now and there is <br />a lot of fear about using the word "emergency" and what that could mean but that <br />is where he hears that argument stop and without any explanation of what those <br />things are that the community is scared of, there are multiple other cities that are <br />excepting these types of proposals and using the word "emergency". He was not <br />sure if those cities skipped the due diligence of figuring out what the word <br />"emergency" means to them. If the City is not able to declare an emergency or pass <br />a resolution without that word, he would like to advocate for the City to find out <br />what those consequences are of using the word "emergency" because if the City <br />cannot say when it is right before their eyes, he was not sure what they are really <br />doing. <br />Mr. Culver thought there may still be some discussion or a decision point on <br />whether the Commission is recommending the Council adopt a resolution or <br />whether the Commission is forwarding a set of recommendations to the Council. <br />He thought if it the latter, the Commission has more leeway as far as and maybe it <br />is just as simple as saying The Public Works, Environment, Transportation <br />Commission recognizes that the planet is in the midst of a climate emergency. The <br />Commission is not declaring one but the Commission is recognizing this <br />emergency condition the world is in. As a result of that and because of this, the <br />Commission is recommending the following actions be taken in the short term. He <br />thought the timing is probably good from the perspective that the City is moving <br />into its budget cycle for 2023. <br />Member Cicha indicated he did like the resolution as written but if the Commission <br />was not able to pass that and suggest it to the Council then at least declaring that <br />the PWETC acknowledges the ongoing emergency is at least a good first step. <br />Member Spencer indicated he agreed with Member Cicha and believed Mr. <br />Culver's response was a good way to present this to the Council by making a list <br />of things recommended by the Public Works Department and the PWETC. <br />Mr. Culver indicated he could right up a proposal for the City Council if the <br />Commission wanted to move to the next item and come back to this item <br />afterwards. <br />Chair Wozniak tabled further discussion on this item until the end of the meeting. <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />
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