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<br />p-:>~;", 3 <br /> <br />I a3c~r:~~l: Pl2.stel"lcrs: <br />E::'ri,SD';',ro , lC)70 ~^la()dbridr'C Har13.!";', 2761.~ ChurcD:nJ. <br />~3.;:,l:so'), 1;-55' Ì¡\[. Nebraska O.T. Otterkill Co., 1733 ålt\8J:,t <br /> <br />Rubbish: <br />SUin..lTJr F:::,::.ncis, 1,600 Sj 1ver <br /> <br />Dri'le-In <br />Lake - Fo I'd Dai.ry ~"-.~.oe~1 <br />Rd. <br /> <br />Electric sJ.: <br />Lund ¡aec-c,ric, }to: C:J:Jveland <br />COl,tlllcrcial Electric, 3ó 7 ,T ac 1,~on <br /> <br />Olson ¡noved, vJillmus second.:::è. thqt the liccnses be [.,.'y;roved. Holl C.:::11. <br />A:-cs-(5) Hayes-(O). <br /> <br />hr. ~Tm'ceY'son o:"¡',l!~, Jurc;enson A~'.(,:iti.::n, 'O.~Jpeared before the Council <br />811(: asked ifihe Village '_mulct take over the gradinG: of strests in hi~) <br />i::L:.t, nar1fÜy Ryan 3.c.'1d Skillman. lIr. T{:-'lT'Jile:::'Rten said t It.:::t it is custo::.ì.:::ry <br />for tDS 01mer to do t heir 01'~ g:;:adi1"1;:;, Int, that the ViP.o.g8 vo::ld ~)d <br />i_1: t11G G:L1¿~a.G stakes. !t -¡1&S su-gGest~ed t ~,2.t I-Ir. JurL~enson to.ll: to lIr. <br />C2,rlcy about t1-],::'3. <br /> <br />Hammersten moved, vJillmus seconded that peti tioD frOV!l resirien ¡,s 0'"1 <br />lIinnesc+2. Lvenue r8;~;2.rðinr:: <1 30 mile speed be ref'er:;,'cð to C<:'.:rlcy pith <br />pOT!JCr to act. Roll Call Ayes-(5) lbyes-(O).. <br /> <br />11". Lenzmier, of th<:: ~Jilla1,'..:':e Box and I.t~r:bs:c Co. suomittcd ::: ::"8"ised <br />Flat 0::: I"a.i..::":'_~.i18 Ad::1.~.t~,-on -¡,r",th -¡~ho chanGes ma:~c as s:l[;Gested b:r Car-ley. <br />cT. J.JenZ~'iÚc:r aske,1 th2.t t:h.e 1'lo.t be tŒ~tively approYcc~ by the Villa,jc <br />Council and th¿'.t th~; CJ er:c have ~o1"er to 2.nd siCr. t':e }'aY'~l shell <br />1"h:';" I: resented. <br /> <br />ii::.lbms'10ved, Olson second:;(l th3.t t:12 Cl"!2"k be authorized to take <br />0·::.1'8 0'. the 3..l1cl sign it. Loll Call Å;,,:.s-(5) IJa;YBo-(O). <br /> <br />jT. Ea.'l1l::ersten ::.'elJOrteo GO the ::';ou.1'1cil on the a':-Jé'T-Gncn-G hous{~ 3::' t:lchon <br />on L"'.r:x;n+.Allr Åverme, re;.~ardinG t~E; cess:)ool trouble thc"8. :a S8cms <br />t,n_[':t tl1c baserlent éJ.l)c.rt~c11ts 2re flcoò_Gcl 1,10St o~f -;~}-~:; t,ime. T1J.e:r ,L.3!,:cc1_ <br />tbo.t the ViP'='.c;e help out on this situatiŒa The COllncil a~;reeù ·~t.3.t <br />it isn't a Village proble::l, bat 11) 'CO ths 01mer of th8 pro::¡e.r+'y. At the <br />tiT's o'c" the installation of the cess pools the 2 .~l.A ;':;nc;j.1188rS 2.pp:covod <br />the cleveloIJ8ment. ',"Üs s5.t1~.:;:t.ion 1:il1 be brought u) later' 1Üth the <br />Vi'lac;e Engineer. <br /> <br />T118 Clc:t;:;,.: su ,:bcsted -that lJr; ~~~pt rll0re s+,recT si2:nS. <br /> <br />OJ:::: or, ]i1OVed, C::.1'lson sr3conded th,.-,t the ell;;in8or be 3.1..'t'10:"' i~7,eC! to oJ.':::~cr <br />~T1~.::,t. ,?ye-y' 8i~:ns "S.:T fie ncccs,Jary. Roll :>--.1J A:cc~s-(S~) Ha~'Ds-(O). <br /> <br />The ques·l~ion c.£: Ijlildrecl Dri"\l8 -':Tl-li2h i: 2. (18?~c1 Ç,lnrl str,~i::;t -~Jd.R brQ'l:"¿f1t <br />'1.( . The question Has Hhethor it lJould he ~~ossible for t. ".c Vil.l.C" :E-' to <br />t·c.kc O'7er iJÌ1is st.~eet :m(~ w1;~~.irl·t,?_iYJ. ~.t. <br /> <br />OlsOE l~O'lCH-1, Harnraers";cn s""c0ndc:G. t.hD.t :::;,:r1.ey ììC inst.ructed to tabs the <br />necessar~T st8~)S in Drenaration o:t' c;r2.dinc; this road,?t the iT~_Jla=e' s <br />8:y;~'cnse. RoE. Call Ayos-().¡) Ih;Y"3s-(l \äammersten <br /> <br />¡,v::'lll;s c, r-;rl, Car1scY' f;c;cC'r:r'...·' <br />L2.l-:e Eoad. l"ì.oll Call A:res-(4) <br /> <br />.L'. .J- .!... ~ -'or i Jl......... :~··c t, 2J~e <br />l'Jé:..:/8S-(l ) Hammersten <br /> <br />OCTS" tho LonG <br /> <br />47~ <br />- <br /> <br />dur~cnson <br />A:E:Ltion <br /> <br />~~~C-':v'if~ ':" c: .'J_t'.t <br /> <br />Fairla:y; "'.dd, <br /> <br />Street <br />,Si::;-;l1s <br /> <br />~"jJ.d!'ed <br />:rJriv8 <br /> <br />Lonr- ~)~,1:3 <br />Roaä. <br />