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<br />VILL\GE COUNCIL O~ ROSEVILEE <br />Continued meetinG Tuesday, May 25, 1954 at 2 :00 P .1'1. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date 1v.Lth the following members <br />present: Carlson, Salverda, Olson and Hammersten. Milner Carley, <br />'Tillage Engineer and B.!-t. Loftsgaarden, Village Attorney were also <br />present. Willmus, absent. <br /> <br />Carlson mO'led, Olson seconded that the minutes be approved as presented <br />the mem'be'·s of the Council. Roll Call Ayes-(4) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Har¡llTlersten moved, Olson seconded that. the bids on the nmf truck be opened. <br />Roll Call Ajes-(4) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Clerk read bids on truck which include the following: <br /> <br />Paron Motors, New Brighton <br />Grand Ave. Ford. <br />General Truck & Equip. Co. <br />R. J. ~1.inar <br /> <br />$2655.00 <br />2736.81 <br />2746.34 <br />2849.65 <br /> <br />Har:t-'-¡lOrsten moved, Carlson seconded that the bids be referred to Carley <br />for tabulating. Roll Call Ayes-(w) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Bertram Getsug, 2218 University Ave. reported to the Coun(~il that they <br />are planning on extending the shopping center at Lexington Plaza <br />and would like to get ~~other 150 ft. rezoned there forfuat purpose. <br />fl'he;¡r had tried to get a petition signed, but the people there are ab- <br />j:::Gting so that are running into tro11ble there. He wondered if a hear- <br />ing c011ld be held ..rithout a signed petiti<m. Loftsgaarden said t'1at he <br />should bring in a abstract certificate then a posted notice could be <br />given and a public hearing held. <br /> <br />Archie Eri~son, NOH Brighton Cab. Co. appeared before the Cotme-ï..l ;l.'T1d asked <br />if the Council would give their approval on his bringing cabs into R2ssvill0. <br />3.11<1 al::¡o if it were possible for him to paint Roseville Cab ServiGe <br />on his cabs, so that he could advertise them as such. Loftsgaarden <br />said tl1ere is no reason 1.Jhy if he ,·;anted to, to do just that. At the <br />present time we have no or::linance covering such matters, but be would 1m k <br />into drawing up such an ordinance at some future date. <br /> <br />Gla.rence Deeb, 419 Highw::.y 36, who has been doi.'1g plumbing work in the <br />Village of Roseville asked the Council if it would be possibJß foc him to <br />get a license to operate in the Village. He has tried several t Lrnes to <br />get a master state license, but is :mable to pass the exa..111ination. <br />Loftsgaarden said tbere is absolutely nothing that could be done to give <br />this man a license, as that wauld be breaking the existing ordinance and <br />than too the state inspectors would not allo~ it. <br /> <br />!'lilner Carley reported that he had gone over the truck bids a..~d Faron <br />Hotors bid seem to meet the !'pecifications and was the lo..rost bid, at a <br />price of ::?265S.00 andihat he 1iould c.heck into it furthQr. <br /> <br />01son moved, Hammersten seconded that the bid be~given to Paron Motors <br />providing they meet all specifications. Roll Call Ayes-(1~) Naye@(O). <br /> <br />497 <br /> <br />Bids on <br />Truck <br /> <br />Extending <br />Lox. Plaza <br />Shopp. <br />Center <br /> <br />Nm,¡ Brighto~ <br />Cab Serrice ¡ <br />