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<br />VIIJ~~GE ::JDTTCIr~ ':IF RC<SE\fII,I2 <br />2'3,;",:a1' nc;;tin¡; Tuesv;u.,:: JUDe 1 <br /> <br />500 <br /> <br />2._0 O'Clock P.M. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members <br />present. Carlson, Salverda, Olson, Willmus, and Hammersten. B.H.loftsgaarden <br />Village Attorney was also present. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />The minutes of the last previous meeting not being ready tlley v,ere laid ove1 <br />for approval at next m0eting. I <br /> <br />Hr. NcIntyre,118 Arthur Ave. Hpls. who is planning on building a home on ¡ <br />Bismarck east of Western Ave. inquired about him having to build a road to I <br />his home, before building.He would like to the regulation waived for the i <br />tL'1lc being until other people started to build in the area and they could all I <br />share in the expense. Hayor Olson said the developer of the property was 'I <br />obligated to put in the road as have ot.her developers done in varioL:s parts, <br />0: the Village. i <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />Loftsgaarden reported on the matter of establishing an on 5é::.le liquor store. <br />;'¡e may put up a building a..'1d issue bonds up to ::?50.000 without a published <br />sale ¡ Liq. <br />Vr. HoodJr of Juran and Hoody was present to tell us ho"W to proceed. Bonds ¡Place <br />up to ~t,50,ooo ~·¡cuJd have to be put up for sale. If the people want it and our; <br />grovrt.h being so rapid the sc>oner we could get started the better credit we <br />v!Ould for future years vIhen we Hould h,'1ve to put in se¡.¡-er and water <br />::::¡stems. Hr. Hoady ~mggested we advertise and get a gQod ra.te of interest. <br />He said $50,000 could be llad :or about a 4% rate which Willmus thought was <br />high. If we are to pledge the credit of the Village tie vould have to 0ubmit <br />it to a vote of the people and would get a better interest rate. He sugGested <br />a l:\.i.ilding that i-voü.ld be a credit to the community. <br /> <br />Carl StonE:' a resident of the Village with L.Paulle Hidv¡ay Fixture Co. <br />appeared before the Council to let us lmow ~hat they have in the waJ" of <br />fixtures for an On sale place. They made the installations for Grand Rapids <br />E.ffie, Savage, Sandstone and Fairfax. They have a ;ksign service .:hieh is <br />available at hardly no cost. <br /> <br />Geo. Sperl of Snelling ilve. ,~ Co. Roa.d B apIleared regarding the loss oi- <br />property on his place. His deg ifas stolen,then two weeks later a trailer uas <br />stolen and about a month ago someone cut the chains on the gat,::' ;:J1d J 0cks <br />and stole a boat. 'Ie :c.1.':; t~e place wired for burGlar alarm and wanted <br />permmssion to build a ::-oof over a :cart 0::: the l:)t so it could be wired to t::1C <br />exi.sting system as the Iriring is very delicate and node to be covered. <br />Carlson moved, secDnded by HarullG.tstcm t.hat Sperl be given a ten year Sperl. <br />.?ermit to put the roof over a portion of the lot. Hall. call Aye5-(S) <br />],Ta'r,¿. "- (Q , <br />"~J'-""'; \"'-ie <br /> <br />.schl.3alvcrda a.'ld K.H. ~IagLmd 21cctric 821cl Plu.cÒin¡; Im,pectors were <br />present tf) discuss the matter of cornpensation. They nOVI receive 2/3 0.:' <br />the fees ,-¡hich is not adequate for the time they are putting b <br />()!' the I'nileage they are put t..L:1g on their cars at no addit.ional cost to <br />the Village. <br />Willmus moved, seconded b;¡r 01o5on that Salverda and l-Iaghmd be -naid ::~IOO.OO <br />additional·per month to compensate for mileage. Roll call Ayei,-(») Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />John Salyerda reported that A.,J .SciJUi:li.ts of It-well St. ha3 a.sked him if he <br />could have a.Tlot.her 30 days time to get out of his shop at home as he was ready <br />to put the roof on his nef1 building at Ha.mline 3Jld Count~r Road. J. <br />