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<br />Ccntinuccl-page 2- <br /> <br />Cürl..:.:.;,~ aJke~l fer a:~:l r...)Va.l :)~. a .L 8-~J tC:::l;crar:~,'" 3raplo2:é,->,;s ~()i:'~ ::~C(l-l <br />:JGr}': during the summer. Hillmus moved,Har.rnersten seconded, that Edl'¡. <br />TvegleitJ1úr-:1obert Schwartz a..'1d Robert Carrier be hired l,¡hen ncedei .:.t <br />~..60 per hr. Ron.~can reyes-CS) Hayes-CO). <br /> <br />Clerk read Or:lina.''1ce He,. 1S7 pertaining to tb, platting and <br />develapment of nc,,, plats ,aftor some questioning on the ¡-lording of <br />portions () f' it tho Ordinance ,:::.3 referrcd to Loftsgaarden for <br />checking. <br /> <br />507 <br /> <br />Temporary <br />employees <br /> <br />Ord. 189 to <br />Attorney <br /> <br />CJark read a letter from Carley regarding a propo3ed plat east of <br />Victoria and NJrth of Rosclav.'11 cemetcr:r Hith suggested changes. Plat east of <br />n1''''on mov,"'d ""~'~"'nr:¡",d\'\r n.,."me"",tr>n +'1"t Hl'::' pl~t be aDDro··rcd nY'O".L"ù.L"n'-' Victoria North <br />..' ........... I, '""" ~"'.......v.... A.~.,.... I.,.,.~. ·,JI¡ ... -' '...i_ v... ("~ ""'.' '"" - ,~ :.1..:" L' v ¡-eo", y 01 <br /> <br />dcv'3loper confo!'ms to the required Cha11':;CS as outlined. Roll call of Roselawn <br />A¿,r'3s-(5) Na:,res-(O). <br /> <br />l··~r. ICQtts-19B7 FIersc11cl St inq11:Lred about R~n:rn t~·\;:e. ca~:J oi' <br />~'airviCT¡¡. Eammo:;:'stcn read thE.: report. by t:i:' EnG1.;n.s..;!' 3..'!r:l ~¡Tr. ;(')+,";,::: <br />-;;;1;3 shc1·m the Grade ~.>lan and informed of the drainage r~':)1:;lCT:' 1¡lC. <br />-;;':'~1. rLL'1 into by the Grading. <br />Uil1nu:3 ":0\"3d, ::;econded by Ol:v.:n <br />~:~~ln bra.;llnG .~):.' n~.r{1.11 live. ::o~} '_; all <br /> <br />that ¡-le ad-¡ortl;:¡c i'er bid:3 <br />^ ,re<-- (r::) N:o 'rp"_ (,,) <br />iiù toJ \ "" . ;:..i.v",........ "...J . <br /> <br />.rc~ <br /> <br />/111('; Engineer's report on ¡·IildY.'cd Jri^\'{c vlas read v¡i th tr~ rec <br />recorJmendations. Carlson m.oved, seconded by 1~illmus that we adve:;:otlse <br />fo!' the Grading of 11ildrcd Drive. Roll call Ayes-(5) lJaye.s(O). <br /> <br />Carle~r' s report an tL.'~ extension of 111/0 ~Jc~-t 01.- Roselawn th'Jn <br />:'Tcrth +<. SldIL'1la.."1 was read. The report was accompanied b~( '!:,l,e casoments <br />fo." siGnatUl'es :)f the afi'ected property owners <br /> <br />. .,'~ <br /> <br />~~ lct+~<:~-, '-',:C-:):"1 Loí~tsGaardcn re:_.ati'.T8 to the I·IcG011gÌ1 .1~r,~~~sact.i. n <br />2:~;:1 tI1C .:rr,t·:J~nCt_' told tl'lc:-n to :i.n the deed and a chc,c1{ <br />cd: J..'L.::; o "fice . <br /> <br />~">C<~:,;j <br /> <br />vlO'lld 1 __ <br /> <br />TI1C cIorl: rC_:i.d a le·tte~1 to':hl~; <br />:~'2C()T!;1¡~'3r.'.i-IQd s'·').at \·¡ea:)pl10"re th,~-; lette' <br />t,G [)i~~~l1, it. <br /> <br />~1.Ir..A. for~ !)f)nna2r-~eitz. Ca,¡le~· <br />and t:mt the clr::rk be a:1t,: _o·.':L>.::.1 <br /> <br />?'~_;!'ra~ <br /> <br />Cl:::;')D <br />,~,T,""", ~ ~__. <br />';j '~'_., oS .: '~ <br /> <br />Hayes-CO). <br /> <br />--?d, s0e':Jl1d(;·J. <br />taken Q~re;:--. <br /> <br />bj; C::tl:-:cn t: 't'.:, U'.8 <br />Roll call Ayes-CS) <br /> <br />:i'~Q(;ts jrl Rosevi 11(; <br /> <br />The clerk read the app2.icati.':)ns from the fo:L2.oiÚng firt"s: <br /> <br />:::C:JS pools: <br />NonlOod Ces:::pool se::.'V., 8305 liícolr;t :', <br />·~:er:.(~.c'cl. CJrl~¡'!"'actnr <br /> <br />1. '"": 30 IT . SJ,lC lling f,;>:ve. <br /> <br />~tl¡. ,J. '":=;'~lin <br />=lcctried Hork <br />..\~-~\ Elcct.:"~i2a·1 ~.;o. 501~~ ?ran_:c ;~","¡'.:.. <br />f.J.~'~s:)ns Elect. Co:). ::: ~ fl' So. <br /> <br />rteport on <br />Ryan Ave. <br /> <br />Report on <br />Mildred drive <br /> <br />Roseville <br />Terrace No. 5 <br /> <br />Licenses <br />