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Last modified
7/22/2022 1:11:49 PM
Creation date
7/22/2022 1:11:16 PM
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Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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rO <br />80 Chair Ficek asked if the trail has to stay on the south side or could it be flipped. <br />81 <br />82 Mr. Freihammer indicated the trail does not need to stay on the south side. The <br />83 general feedback staff heard is that people want it to remain on the south side and <br />84 is why it was left there. Granted, everyone has to cross to get to the south side and <br />85 traffic is not terrible but one thing staff has heard from residents is that the trail does <br />86 not have to cross everyone's driveway so there are not the driveway impacts or the <br />87 safety factors like someone backing into a pedestrian. He indicated the trail will be <br />88 transitioned to the north side. He showed the Commission a layout of the proposed <br />89 location. <br />90 <br />91 Chair Ficek asked for the drainage needs, there would not be a need for a pond. <br />92 <br />93 Mr. Freihammer thought this will trigger some Rice Creek Watershed rules. It is a <br />94 little bit questionable because staff has not fully vetted it. Depending on what is <br />95 done, a reclaim might not actually trigger their rules which is another benefit of <br />96 going with a reclaim. There are also exceptions for the trails since the City is <br />97 actually separating the pathway, that is usually exempt from the watershed's <br />98 calculations and will not trigger it. Staff is not one hundred percent sure but it still <br />99 may trigger that. If the City needs to do something it might potentially go <br />100 underground or do rain gardens. There is not a large City parcel and another thing <br />101 is it is a very linear corridor so the City might need lots of little things versus one <br />102 big thing. <br />103 <br />104 Chair Ficek asked if the rural area would help that if there was not a curb on one <br />105 side. <br />106 <br />107 Mr. Freihammer indicated that could potentially help and if the City were to do <br />108 something it may be something more minor. hi general, staff does believe all the <br />109 options have less impervious than existing so that is already a positive gain unless <br />110 the City ends up adding a bunch of parking bays. <br />111 <br />112 Chair Ficek indicated he had some questions that might add to the project costs. He <br />113 asked when looking at speeds if staff has considered horizontal curves to move the <br />114 sight lines instead of looking straight down the road. <br />115 <br />116 Mr. Freihammer explained staff has not looked at that specifically yet. He indicated <br />117 he has met with a resident but they have not looked at it from a vertical perspective <br />118 but he did drive slowly through the corridor and there are some spots adjacent to <br />119 the golf course where it is really hard to see right now but the roadway really falls <br />120 off so the pathway has been pushed out a little bit and it may be beneficial to put in <br />121 a slight horizontal curve to get it away from the golf course and away from the steep <br />122 topography. If something is done it would be very slight. <br />123 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />
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