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CCP 06062022
City Council
City Council Meeting Packets
CCP 06062022
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Last modified
8/11/2022 12:05:02 PM
Creation date
8/11/2022 12:04:51 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Agenda/Packets
Meeting Date
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Attachment B <br />CityofRoseville <br />ARPAFundingNonprofitEligibilityCriteria <br />1)The organization must be a registered non-profit in the state of Minnesota and a 501(c)(3) <br />Charitable Organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service <br />1)2)The organization cannot have an annual budget that is greater than $10 million <br />2)3)The organization must provide direct services to serve residents of Roseville <br />community members. As part of the application submittal, the organization will be required <br />to provide information on the amount and type of services provided to community <br />members. (based on some measurement of the amount of Roseville residents the non- <br />profit provides serves) <br />3)4)The organization provides a community-based service, event, or program that <br />benefits the greater good of the community and not just the members of that organization <br />4)5)The organization, program, project, or event does not advocate a political or <br />religious affiliation or belief <br />5)6)The organization experienced negative financial impacts from of the pandemic that <br />can be demonstrated with documentation detailing the negative financial impact OR the <br />organization provides direct services, education, or advocacy to residents of Roseville in <br />response to the pandemic <br />7)Eligible uses also include providing programs and direct service to community members <br />impacted by the pandemic. Eligible uses of the funds include payroll and benefit costs, <br />utilities, rent/mortgage payments, insurance, and other operating costs that directly support <br />services to community members Eligible uses also include providing programs and direct <br />service to community members impacted by the pandemic <br />6)8)Organizations that are affiliated with and provide funds directly to the City shall <br />not be eligible to receive funds under this program <br /> <br />
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