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City of Roseville, MinnesotaSchedule 9 <br />REQUIRED SUPPLEMENATRY INFORMATION(Page 1 of 1) <br />SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN NET PENSION LIABILITY <br />AND RELATED RATIOS - FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION <br />For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2021 <br />20212020201920182017 <br />Total Pension Liability (TPL, actuarial accrued liability) <br />Service cost$ 26,622$ 25,957$ 35,904$ 45,257$ 48,898 <br />Interest5 63,1105 65,2825 52,7075 79,9555 17,780 <br />Differences between expected and actual experience( 61,093)1 25,5685 ,906( 16,259)1 38,754 <br />Changes of assumptions1 86,1433 82,673 (8,425)5 33,5651 11,219 <br /> 537,679- <br />Changes of benefit terms2 65,0192 99,0366 53,842 <br />Benefit payments, including member contributions (755,377) (704,524) (673,245) (682,053) (593,632) <br /> Net change in total pension liability4 97,0846 59,9752 11,8834 60,4658 76,861 <br />Total Pension Liability - beginning of year 2,209,184 1,549,209 1,337,326 8 76,861- <br />Total Pension Liability - end of year$ 2,706,268$ 2,209,184$ 1,549,209$ 1,337,326$ 876,861 <br />Plan Fiduciary Net Position (FNP, assets) <br />Contributions - State and local$ 264,259$ 250,948$ 238,755$ 229,050$ 222,882 <br />- - - - - <br />Contributions - donations and other income <br />- - - - - <br />Contributions - members <br />Net investment income 2,566,932 2,410,051 2,626,352 (454,151) 1,775,014 <br />- - - - - <br />Other additions (e.g. receivables) <br />Benefit payments, including member contributions (755,377) (704,524) (673,245) (682,053) (593,632) <br />Administrative expense( 30,056)( 22,314)( 25,433)( 24,694)( 24,935) <br />- - - - - <br />Other deductions (e.g. payables) <br /> Net change in plan fiduciary net position 2,045,758 1,934,161 2,166,429 (931,848) 1,379,329 <br />Plan Fiduciary Net Position - beginning of year 4,548,071 2,613,910 4 47,481 1,379,329 - <br />Plan Fiduciary Net Position - end of year$ 6,593,829$ 4,548,071$ 2,613,910$ 447,481$ 1,379,329 <br />Net Pension Liability (NPL) - end of year <br />$ (7,038,136) $ (5,489,409) $ (4,215,223) $ (2,260,677) $ (3,652,990) <br />Plan Fiduciary Net Position (FNP, assets)171.40%158.64%148.45%145.50%145.50% <br />201620152014 <br />Total Pension Liability (TPL, actuarial accrued liability) <br />Service cost$ 85,623$ 69,632$ 67,768 <br />Interest5 25,9895 09,6355 08,985 <br />- - <br />Differences between expected and actual experience (389,429) <br />- <br />Changes of assumptions (492,447) 2 13,856 <br />- - - <br />Changes of benefit terms <br />Benefit payments, including member contributions (569,784) (563,896) (574,072) <br /> Net change in total pension liability (840,048) 2 29,2272 ,681 <br />Total Pension Liability - beginning of year 7,991,694 7,762,467 7,759,786 <br />Total Pension Liability - end of year$ 7,151,646$ 7,991,694$ 7,762,467 <br />Plan Fiduciary Net Position (FNP, assets) <br />Contributions - State and local$ 221,324$ 220,012$ 341,617 <br />- - - <br />Contributions - donations and other income <br />- - - <br />Contributions - members <br />Net investment income8 46,8022 2,1938 82,050 <br />- - - <br />Other additions (e.g. receivables) <br />Benefit payments, including member contributions (569,784) (563,896) (574,072) <br />Administrative expense( 25,100)( 20,569)( 23,479) <br />- - - <br />Other deductions (e.g. payables) <br /> Net change in plan fiduciary net position4 73,242 (342,260) 6 26,116 <br />Plan Fiduciary Net Position - beginning of year 9,828,926 10,171,186 9,545,070 <br />Plan Fiduciary Net Position - end of year$ 10,302,168$ 9,828,926$ 10,171,186 <br />Net Pension Liability (NPL) - end of year <br />$ (3,150,522) $ (1,837,232) $ (2,408,719) <br />Plan Fiduciary Net Position (FNP, assets)144.05%122.99%131.03% <br />The City implemented the Provisions of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 68 for the year ended December 31, 2015. The schedules within the <br />Supplementary Information Section required a ten year presentation, but does not require retroactive reporting. Information prior to 2014 is not available. <br />The notes to the required supplementary information are an integral part of this statement. <br />90 <br /> <br />