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City of Roseville, MinnesotaStatement 3 <br />BALANCE SHEET(Page 2 of 2) <br />GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS <br />December 31, 2021 <br />Capital Projects <br />EconomicOther Total <br />RevolvingIncrementsStreetGovernmental Governmental <br />ImprovementsConstructionConstructionFunds Funds <br />ASSETS <br /> Cash and investments$ 11,937,761$ 3,763,219$ 4,549,527$ 6,565,090$ 48,260,334 <br /> Investment interest receivable 40,673 12,938 15,593 22,819 166,660 <br /> Accounts receivable 29,214 - - 325,853 632,982 <br /> Inventories - - - 3,716 3,716 <br /> Taxes receivable 137,877 7,939 47,899 28,965 1,088,842 <br /> Special assessments receivable - - 1,282,471 - 1,383,493 <br /> Due from other governments 128,577 - 139,191 187,890 2,585,022 <br /> Due from other funds - - 1,500,000 10,000 1,510,000 <br /> Notes receivable - - - 930,762 2,165,375 <br />Property held for sale - - - 10,410 10,410 <br />Prepaid items 20,855 - - 1,100 82,818 <br />TOTAL ASSETS 12,294,957 3,784,096 7,534,681 8,086,605 57,889,652 <br />LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF <br />RESOURCES AND FUND BALANCES <br /> Liabilities <br /> Accounts payable 93,918 - 153,986 492,532 1,787,690 <br /> Accrued payroll - - - 112,034 690,889 <br /> Contracts and retention payable 93,400 - 3,258 - 96,658 <br /> Due to other funds 1,500,000 10,000 - - 1,510,000 <br /> Due to other governmental units - - 24,179 1,378,146 <br /> Unearned Revenue - - - - 3,090,226 <br /> Deposits payable 21,655 - - 5,000 908,433 <br /> Total Liabilities 1,708,973 10,000 157,244 633,745 9,462,042 <br /> Deferred Inflows of Resources <br /> Unavailable Revenue - due from other governments 128,577 - 78,860 - 207,437 <br /> <br /> Unavailable Revenue - property taxes 38,712 - 13,449 7,919 303,276 <br /> Unavailable Revenue - special assessments - - 1,282,471 - 1,357,856 <br /> <br /> Total Deferred Inflows of Resoures 167,289 - 1,374,780 7,919 1,868,569 <br />FUND BALANCE <br /> Nonspendable - - - 1,100 61,963 <br /> Restricted <br /> Law Enforcement - - - - 333,661 <br /> Telecommunications - - - 94,607 94,607 <br /> Lawful Gambling - - - 2,479 2,479 <br /> Community Development - - - - 4,447,459 <br /> Park Dedication 1,205,885 - - - 1,205,885 <br /> Tax Increment - 3,774,096 - - 3,774,096 <br /> Debt Service - - - - 2,383,400 <br /> Housing and Economic Development - - - 899,385 899,385 <br /> Committed <br /> Street Replacement - - 6,002,657 - 6,002,657 <br /> Assigned <br /> Parks and Recreation Programs and Maintenance - - - - <br /> 1,923,773 <br /> License Center Improvements - - - 364,574 364,574 <br /> Information Technology - - - 1,897,601 1,897,601 <br /> Engineering Services - - - - 538,106 <br /> Accounting Service - - - - 16,857 <br /> General Govermental Services - - - - - <br /> <br /> General Service Reserve - - - - 706,946 <br /> Capital Projects 9,212,810 - - 9,212,810 <br /> Housing and Economic Development - - - 4,185,195 4,185,195 <br /> Unassigned - - - - 8,507,587 <br /> Total Fund Balances 10,418,695 3,774,096 6,002,657 7,444,941 46,559,041 <br />TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF <br />RESOURCES AND FUND BALANCES$ 12,294,957$ 3,784,096$ 7,534,681$ 8,086,605$ 57,889,652 <br />Capital assets (net of depreciation) used in governmental activities and are not financial resources and therefore, are not reported in the funds. 139,607,360 <br />Long term liabilities including bonds payable, are not due and payable in the current period and therefore, are not reported in the funds. (30,704,780) <br />Internal service funds are used by management to charge the cost of insurance to individual funds. 1,635,084 <br />Other long term assets are not available to pay for current-period expenditures and, therefore, are deferred or are not reported in the funds. 8,906,705 <br />Governmental funds do not report long term amounts related to pensions <br /> Deferred outflow of resources 12,081,073 <br /> Deferred inflow of resources (18,623,191) <br />Net position of governmental activities$ 159,461,292 <br />The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. <br />33 <br /> <br />