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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
8/19/2022 11:12:57 AM
Creation date
8/19/2022 11:11:53 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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79 Mr. Culver indicated most of the irrigation meters installed are on City property <br />80 with irrigation systems. He indicated years ago it was hard to track how much <br />81 water the City was using because there were not any irrigation meters installed, <br />82 even on City buildings. He indicated at that time the usage was lumped into the <br />83 City's unaccounted for water which was a pretty high percentage and the <br />84 Department of Health and DNR could see that when the City submitted the water <br />85 reports. He noted it is good practice for staff to be able to see how much water is <br />86 being used for different areas and for different uses and that gives staff an <br />87 opportunity to see if there is a way to use less water. <br />88 <br />89 Mr. Freihammer updated the Commission on the City Water Rebate Program. He <br />90 noted the City received additional grant funds this year but the program was <br />91 expanded and rebates for irrigation is still available but the City also opened it up <br />92 to appliances. <br />93 <br />94 5. City Council Joint Meeting Review <br />95 Chair Ficek thought the joint meeting went well with good conversation. <br />96 <br />97 Mr. Culver reviewed with the Commission how different topics could be discussed. <br />98 He indicated the Commission and City Council discussed the following topics <br />99 which could be discussed at afew upcoming meetings. He listed afew of the topics: <br />100 speed limit, takeout food containers, name change, No Mow May, and various <br />101 smaller topics. He asked if there were any other topics outside of the ones he listed <br />102 that the Commission felt strongly about. <br />103 <br />104 Member Collins indicated he would like to talk about the City bike plan. <br />105 <br />106 Member Misra asked if there was interest in talking about the Solar and Renewable <br />107 Program and maybe some upgrading on those. <br />108 <br />109 Chair Ficek suggested talking more about EV Stations. <br />110 <br />111 Member Joyce explained he would like an update on transit. <br />112 <br />113 Mr. Culver explained staff could ask Metro Transit to come in and talk to the <br />114 Commission about Post COVID ridership as well as other things. He noted because <br />115 the takeout food container topic was previously discussed he thought that might be <br />116 something the Commission could continue discussion on. He thought the <br />117 discussion could continue at the August meeting and staff could bring in Ordinance <br />118 information from other cities and talk about what the Commission likes and does <br />119 not like as well as what the Commission would like to see. He noted the Council <br />120 has discussed possibly doing a phased in program, starting with an education and <br />121 trying to get restaurants to voluntarily start using some of these recyclable or <br />122 compostable containers and then eventually get to an Ordinance where an <br />123 Ordinance could be put in place for enforcement. He noted the Council liked the <br />124 soft rollout concept. <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />
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