Director shall mean the director of the department of safety and inspections or his or her designee.
<br />Environmentally acceptable packaging shall mean and include:
<br />(1) Returnable and reusable packaging shall mean food or beverage containers or packages, such as, but
<br />not limited to, soft drink bottles, growlers, and milk containers, that are capable of being returned to
<br />the distributor, such as, but not limited to, dairies and soft drink bottlers, for reuse as the same food or
<br />beverage container use at least once;
<br />(2) Recyclable packaging shall mean packaging materials that are separable from solid waste, by the
<br />generator or during collection for the purpose of recycling, for which there are city -approved contracts
<br />for collection for recycling in an organized and approved program;
<br />(3) Compostable packaging shall mean packaging materials that are separable from solid waste, by the
<br />generator or during collection for the purpose of composting, for which there are city -approved
<br />contracts for collection for composting in an organized and approved program, or as determined by the
<br />director.
<br />Owner shall mean any person, agent, operator, firm or corporation having a legal or equitable interest in a
<br />retail food establishment.
<br />Packaging shall mean and include all food -related wrappings, adhesives, cords, bindings, strings, tapes,
<br />ribbons, boxes, coverings and containers, and shall further include cups, cans, glasses and similar containers for
<br />drinking out of or for holding liquids, and plates and serving trays but shall specifically exclude foods prepackaged
<br />by the manufacturer, producer, or distributor.
<br />Qualified recyclingsystem, as used in this chapter, means a recycling system with a clear and verifiable
<br />process for separating recyclable packaging from discarded solid waste; and collection and delivery of recyclable
<br />packaging to a recycling facility for processing in the same or at least similar manner as recyclable packaging
<br />collected in a municipally approved recycling program.
<br />Qualified organics system, as used in this chapter, means an organics system with a clear and verifiable
<br />process for separating organic materials from discarded solid waste; and collection and delivery of organic
<br />materials to a food to people, food to animals, organics composting or anaerobic digestion facility in the same
<br />manner or at least similar manner as organic materials collected in a municipally approved organics program.
<br />Retail food establishment, shall mean a food and beverage service establishment, food cart or mobile food
<br />unit as defined in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 157.15, Food Beverage and Lodging.
<br />(Ord 17-29, § 2, 3-6-19, eff. 1-1-22)
<br />Sec. 236.03. Prohibitions and duties.
<br />It shall be unlawful for any person, owner, or corporation who owns, operates or manages a retail food
<br />establishment located within the City of Saint Paul to do any of the following:
<br />(1) To sell or convey at retail, or possess with the intent to sell or convey at retail, any food or beverage
<br />intended for immediate consumption that is placed, wrapped or packaged at any time at or before the
<br />time or point of sale in or on packaging that is not environmentally acceptable packaging; or
<br />(2) To provide to retail customers, or possess with the intent to provide to retail customers, packaging that
<br />is not environmentally acceptable packaging; or
<br />(3) To fail to provide retail customers with an opportunity to appropriately recycle by offering a qualified
<br />recycling system and/or a qualified organics system.
<br />(Supp. No. 121, Update 2)
<br />Created: 2022-08-01 14:33:23 [EST]
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