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<br />VILLA.GE OFROSEVILtE <br /> <br />522 <br /> <br />Regular meeting of the Village Council Tues. 20, 195!~ at 2P.H. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the Above date with the follo¡~g members <br />present: Carlson, Olson, Willmus and HarrJ!Tlersten. B. H. Loftsgaarden, <br />Village Attorney, and Hilner Carley, Village Engineer, were also <br />present. Salverda absent. <br /> <br />Olson moved, Willmus seconded that the minutes of the Regular meet- <br />ing of July 13th be approved according to the copies furnished the <br />members of the Council. Roll Call Ayes (Li)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Ha..:!I1lersten moved, Willmus seconded that the bids on the grading of <br />}Iildred Drive be opened. <br />The Clerk read the bids which included the follo¡~ng: <br />John Hand $2115.00 <br />Ray Sinna $1910.00 <br />Hammersten moved, Carlson seconded the bids be referred to Carley <br />for tabulating. Roll Call--Ayes (4)-Nayes(0). <br /> <br />Hildred Drive <br />grading bid <br /> <br />Hrs. Warner of 1142 Karyl and a neighbor appeared before the Council <br />to ask what could be done about the water that stands at the end <br />of the street and does not drain off. They also wanted to know <br />who was supposed to take care of the Island in the center of this Karyl Place <br />horseshoe curve. Hr. Carley said he would investigate the mat,er <br />and report back to the Coùncil. <br /> <br />l'1r. Carley reported back to the Council on the gasoline bids which <br />had been referred to him; He reported that the Nelson Oil Co. <br />of St. Paul was the low bidder. Hammersten moved, Olson seconded Gasoline bids <br />that on the basis of the Engineer's report, the contract be award... <br />ed the Nelson Oil Co. Roll Call Ayes (4)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />The Clerk read a letter from Raymond Teichied of 2064 Farrington <br />¡-Tho asked that Farrington be left at its present grade. Hr. Carle:{ Farrington St. <br />said he was looking into the matter at the present time. <br /> <br />Robert Doth and several neighbors appeared before the Council in <br />reference to the garage of Carl Wenger on I'lillwood St., and wond- <br />ered what could be done about it. They stateqit is being used as Millwood St. <br />a garace for a gasoline transport. 111'. Loftsgaarden explained some garage. <br />legal points to these people and told them they should not blame <br />the Council for the vlQ their property was zoned when they bought, <br />which allowed that sort of building. <br /> <br />Hr. Neil King, of that group, was told the only way they could <br />control what could come into this area was to get it rezoned. He <br />was told to get an abstract certificate and 50% or more of the <br />people to sign it and present it to the Council who would set a <br />date for a hearing bJr the zoning board. <br /> <br />Edw. Salverda appeared before the Council with the Complaint that <br />someone dumped bottles and letters and photographs on the highway. <br />He said names are on the envelopes. l¡layor Olson suggested he turn <br />them over to the Chief of Police who would follow the matter through. <br /> <br />4 representative from Mobilgas had left plans and specifications for a <br />