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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
8/29/2022 9:40:57 AM
Creation date
8/29/2022 9:40:46 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Chair Ficek indicated the Commission has touched on the topic of a name change <br />several times and the City Council gave the approval to talk about this and think <br />about it in the broader scope. <br />Mr. Culver reviewed the Commission's scope that is in City Code. He noted if this <br />were to be changed there would need to be a public hearing and other actions taken <br />to change it. <br />Chair Ficek indicated from that, the first thing he wanted to bring forward was the <br />sustainability and how that could be worked in, whether the name were changed or <br />not, it seems like that should be said somewhere in the scope. He explained he was <br />looking at some other cities' scopes and read from a few different cities' scopes. <br />Chair Ficek explained another part to this is infrastructure itself or transportation <br />infrastructure if the Commission wanted to characterize it. He thought that could <br />also be in the description. He thought there were a lot of things that could be put <br />in the description of the Commission. As this was originally brought up, it involved <br />the name and leaning towards sustainability and infrastructure and it has broadened <br />out to what the Commission's purpose is and they are related. He thought it was <br />trying to make it more relatable to the public than what it is now and sustainability <br />and infrastructure did those two things for him and he thought those items could be <br />included in changes to the scope and the Commission could then define those words <br />as well. He noted infrastructure would not be related to parks because that has its <br />own Commission and would be a part of the description. <br />Member Misra asked staff if they have come across any other department within <br />the City or Commissions that have discussed sustainability. <br />Mr. Culver explained Planning would be the one that would have the greatest <br />amount of crossover on that topic. He noted the City's Community Development <br />Director would like to come and give the Commission an update on what the <br />Planning Commission has been talking about as far as Ordinance changes and <br />incentives towards sustainability. He indicated that would happen either in August <br />or September. The Planning Commission is actively talking about some of these <br />items right now. Because of limitations in Statute, as far as Building Code, the City <br />cannot require more stringent or more expensive building code provisions than <br />what the State adopts in its State Building Code. The City cannot require <br />sustainability efforts in building that is not already in the State Building Code. The <br />City can incentivize it, particularly and where the City has been successful or think <br />it has been successful with that is commercial properties that are looking for <br />assistance from the City on something. There are some other things the City is <br />looking at doing. The Shoreland Ordinance is something the Planning Commission <br />has worked on and recommended to the City Council for approval. <br />Member Hodder indicated when he was on the Finance Commission, in the sense <br />of, for example, the Capital Improvement Plan, they looked at things that kept <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />
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