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Attachment A <br />18517.Indemnification.The Consultant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the City, and its <br />186 mayor, councilmembers, officers, agents, employees and representatives harmless from <br />187 and against all liability, claims, damages, costs, judgments, losses and expenses, <br />188 including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from <br />189 any negligent or wrongful act or omission of the Consultant, its officers, agents, <br />190 employees, contractors and/or subcontractors, pertaining to the performance or failure to <br />191 perform the Work and against all losses resulting from the failure of the Consultant to <br />192 fully perform all of the Consultant’s obligations under this Agreement. <br />193 <br />194 18. Insurance. <br />195 <br />196 A. General Liability. Prior to starting the Work and during the full term of this <br />197 Agreement, the Consultant shall procure, maintain and pay for such insurance as will <br />198 protect against claims for bodily injury or death, and for damage to property, <br />199 including loss of use, which may arise out of operations by the Consultant or by any <br />200 subcontractor of the Consultant, or by anyone employed by any of them, or by anyone <br />201 for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such insurance shall include, but not be <br />202 limited to, minimum coverages and limits of liability specified in this Provision 18 or <br />203 such greater coverages and amounts as are required by law. Except as otherwise <br />204 stated below, the policies shall name the City as an additional insured for the Work <br />205 provided under this Agreement and shall provide that the Consultant’s coverage shall <br />206 be primary and noncontributory in the event of a loss. <br />207 <br />208 B. The Consultant shall procure and maintain the following minimum insurance <br />209 coverages and limits of liability with respect to the Work: <br />210 <br />211 Worker’s Compensation: Statutory Limits <br />212 <br />213 Employer’s Liability $500,000 each accident <br />214 (Not needed for $500,000 disease policy limit <br />215 Minnesota based $500,000 disease each employee <br />216 Consultant): <br />217 <br />218 Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence <br />219 $2,000,000 general aggregate <br />220 $2,000,000 Products – Completed Operations <br />221 Aggregate <br />222 $100,000 fire legal liability each occurrence <br />223 $5,000 medical expense <br />224 <br />225 Comprehensive Automobile <br />226 Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit (shall include <br />227 coverage for all owned, hired and non-owned <br />228 vehicles). <br />229 <br />5 <br /> <br />