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!SWIFT Contract Number: 218065! <br />3.9 Investigators will comply with the guidelines of the COPS Anti-Heroin Task Force Program as outlined in the <br />2017 COPS Office Anti-This manual is located at <br /> If Governmental Unit receives funding from a grant <br />awarded to the BCA subsequent to the 2017 grant, Governmental Unit will comply with the guidelines <br />established by the later grant. <br /> <br />4. Responsibilities of the Governmental Unit and the BCA <br />4.1 The Governmental Unit will: <br />4.1.1 Assign a Governmental Unit point of contact to act as the liaison between it and the AHTF Project <br />Coordinator to assist in case submissions for overtime, monthly reporting and meeting overtime <br />reimbursement deadlines. <br />4.1.2 Submit an AHTF case submission form for pre-approval of funds. This request shall include a case <br />synopsis, an explanation of how it qualifies under the required criteria in clauses 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 <br />above, and an operational plan. <br />4.1.3 Conduct investigations in accordance with provisions of the AHTF Program Standards, identified in <br />clause 3 above, and conclude such investigations in a timely manner. <br />4.1.4 Maintain accurate records of enforcement activities to be collected and forwarded monthly to the BCA <br />for statistical reporting purposes. <br />4.1.5 Submit case data as required by the AHTF Program on a monthly basis. This information will include a <br />case synopsis and demographic information on cases submitted for overtime, the number of heroin or <br />unlawful distribution of prescription opioids investigations, search warrants, arrests, seizures and <br />NARCAN®/naloxone deployments. <br />4.1.6 Prepare an operational briefing sheet for each active operation. <br />4.1.7 Allow BCA to inform participating agencies of potential case connections based on data submitted to <br />BCA through the AHTF Program. <br />4.1.8 Refrain from comingling AHTF funds with any other existing federal or state grant funded overtime or <br />additional local Governmental Unit funding. <br />4.1.9 De-conflict case investigations with RISS. <br />4.1.10 Enter suspect traffickers telephone numbers into the DEA Internet Connectivity Endeavor (DICE) <br />database system as a means of deconfliction of case investigations. The BCA is available to assist in <br />this process. <br />4.1.11 Certify that it is in compliance with 8 U.S.C. §1373(a) and (b) and will remain in compliance for the life <br />of this Agreement. <br />4.2 The BCA will: <br />4.2.1 Provide a Senior Special Agent who will serve as the Project Coordinator. <br />4.2.2 Provide a Special Agent who will be assigned to the Drug Enforcement <br />Diversion Team. <br />4.2.3 Provide a Criminal Intelligence Analyst (CIA) who will provide analytical support to heroin and <br />prescription opioid investigations. <br />4.2.4 Certify it is compliance with 8 U.S.C. §1373 (a) and (b) and will remain in compliance for the life of this <br />Agreement. <br />4.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall otherwise limit the jurisdiction, powers, and responsibilities normally possessed <br />by a Governmental Unit acting through its employees. <br />5. Payment <br />5.1 To receive reimbursement for overtime expense, Governmental Unit must make an AHTF case submission by <br />providing a case synopsis, an explanation of how the case qualifies under the required criteria for case <br />acceptance and an operational plan. The BCA will review the case submission and grant or deny the <br />reimbursement request within seven (7) business days of receipt by the BCA Authorized Representative. <br />5.2 To receive approved reimbursement, Governmental Unit must submit an overtime expense form no later than <br />15 business days after the end of the month during which the expense is incurred. The form must be submitted <br />to <br />5.3 The BCA will pay the Governmental Unit within thirty (30) calendar days of the submission of the expense form. <br />5.4 The Governmental Unit may receive payment for an AHTF case submission for overtime expense approved <br />prior to the effective date of this Agreement if the Governmental Unit had a joint powers agreement in place with <br />the BCA that expired prior to the effective date of this Agreement. Reimbursement will occur as provided in <br />Clause 5.2. <br />2019 Anti-Heroin JPA Template_Non-Tribal Political Subdivisions (September 2019) 2 <br /> <br />