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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date:October 10, 2022 <br />Item No.: 10.e <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Approve Janitorial Services Contract with Linn Building Maintenance <br />1 B ACKGROUND <br />2 The City of Roseville’s contract for janitorial services for City facilities expired September 23, 2022. <br />3 The current service provider is Linn Building Maintenance, Inc., a Roseville company. For the past <br />4 10 plus years, Linn has provided janitorial services for City facilities including City Hall <br />5 Offices/Police Department, Fire Station, Harriet Alexander Nature Center, Skating Center, Public <br />6 Works Building, and the License Center/Passport area. The current cost for cleaning these facilities <br />7 is $9,854 per month. <br />8 Based on previous bids and the longstanding relationship and quality of service Linn has provided, <br />9 staff is recommending that Council approve a three-year extension of the Janitorial Services <br />10 Contract. Due to additional requested service hours, additional spaces, wage increases and other <br />11 inflationary factors, the new cost per month is $14,371 per month. The monthly rate would increase <br />12 by 3% each year. <br />13 This price is still lower than the second lowest bid received when we last went out for proposals in <br />14 2019. Again, given Linn’s quality of service and their long-time employees being dedicated to the <br />15 Roseville facilities, staff recommends the extension of this contract for three additional years. <br />16 F INANCIAL I MPACTS <br />17 The total annual cost of $172,452 will be split amongst the operating budgets for City Hall Facilities, <br />18 Fire, License Center, and various budgets within Parks and Recreation. <br />19 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />20 Staff recommends the City Council approve the Janitorial Services Contract with Linn Building <br />21 Maintenance, Inc. <br />22 R EQUESTED C OUNCIL A CTION <br />23 Motion to approve the Janitorial Services Contract with Linn Building Maintenance, Inc. <br />Prepared by: Marc Culver, Public Works Director <br /> <br />Attachment: A: Proposed Contract <br />Page 1 of 1 <br /> <br />