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<br />VILLAG·:: ~ --.O~,':IT.:;: <br /> <br />535 <br /> <br />I:.c¡;ular me3ting of the V:~l1a~;e C8uncil¡ 'dcdncsday Se¡:,t,err,bcl' l':~, 195Lr := <br /> <br />1J·:m . <br /> <br />The Village COlmcj.l met on tÌ1~ above date ',:ith <br />Carlson, :'JilJ.:'.us, Salverda, Olsen, E8.J'TJ~;ersten, <br />Att.orney, 3Jld TliIner Carley, VillaGe Engineer, <br /> <br />the folloHin; mcni:Jcrs present: <br />J. . Loi'tsgaarden, Vill<:ge <br />nCiC also present. <br /> <br />lImnmers~en moved, seconded by Carlson that 1:8 dispense uith the a.i.:proval of <br />the ,,¡inntec, of the previous meetinG until the ncxt meetinG because the minutes <br />m::'e not completed in time to Give the members a cLance to study thnm. Holl <br />Call--Ayes (5)-Naycs (0). <br /> <br />Clarence Doeb of 419 :1. TH 36 t',;ld the Council that he has aP.i:)lied for his <br />lIaster Plurnbers I.icense l)ut C3J.1 not take the e:x:ar:lination ili"'ltil Tuescla.¿.~. lIc <br />,-Jé'J1ted to ImovJ if he can Kork in RoscvillG Hithcmt it. 1'1;(; Council decided <br />the2r could nc)t let one Yilat'1 lJork vrLtho'...!t his :1astcr License lritho::t allO\rinL <br />probable r:any others to do so al::;o. <br /> <br />John Kromhout, Gas InS¡jector, introduced to tile Council :':1'. Chris Peterson <br />1-¡ho i::; GoinG to help :¡k. Krorlout läth Lis inspectin,; and then by thf: 1st of <br />the year vJÌll take oven' as a full time inspector. Carlson: loved, =econ(~cd 'oy <br />Olscm that TIr. Peterson bt. hired as Heatinc Inspector at t.l:e sa::ne rate 3.3 <br />Jol~" 1~rnr,1h...01',t. T'oJ 1 í'",ll ¡1 'TO" (r')_lTan0" (n). <br />þ__ ....~"-' ~ ~.,...i.- u\,.............. ..J.,J ,;,) \....-' .... "j""-.;J .... <br /> <br />;,1'. Schultz appeared before the Gouncj,l on the r.'Iatter of Alan:eda St. and 3hrY81' <br />1'\.','e. He had been told that Alamed'1 St. ¡¡as to be vacc.:.t2d 2..Del he didn't uant <br />thí:., to happen as his lot borders on this street. The GOlIDcj.l told 1~;Ü,: Llat <br />tllC3' Immf nothinG about the vacatinz of said street as no peti t:i.on has been <br />prCSc11tcd a.n;:r'Jnc for the IJurposc. <br /> <br />It lIas brouc1'lt to the attention of the C;J;.mc:Ll tl1at:,here has been a seepa[;e <br />()f cas into 2. ~.¡cll that is being drilled in the area of Clevel2.nd and Co. nè. <br />It ~,¡,,!s decided that tl'ic Pipe Line Co. co notifud of t:Üs cond~_tion and h:;.ve <br />tho" check their lines to see if there is a lcak S'Jne' ':l ere. <br /> <br />I' <br />v. <br /> <br />PastQr Interprises presented the Abstract Certificate ¡rith the Petition for <br />rezonin¿; ISO Ft. on I.e::incton k,-e. to r:'oma. They had asked the Co~ncil to <br />use -:::'~lc:Lr power to r8zone tl1e propert~r 1IÍ thout t]-:c signatures oi' the .3i,).rr·o~td- <br />~nc TjrolJert.T O:-JIlers. Ted Leber~s spoke '=·or a Group of ¡)rCr)ert~r o~!ncrs liv-inG <br />on Bona St., statinG "el,ey Here st.rongly oP1osed to havinG cOr.'.l1iercial propert:r <br />on :7.o,!a. It. '.;2<::: decid.ed to held the Petition "mcl. Abstr2.ct Certificate until <br />,;1. public hearin;:; cO'c:ld be held on the ¡",atter. <br /> <br />A neu seHac;e disposal systcn: -,¡as discLlssed b~' the <br />sGconrlGc.i that tho Clerk be aut:lOrized to hire the <br />stall a neu scvJa[ß system :Cor the lHlla¿:o Hall at <br />includinG all r:lateria([s. <br /> <br />Goune}.l. Olscm f',oved, Carlsen <br />Keller Sanitation Co. tn in- <br />the t·)t..,l Dric'e "'.,.' "" ,r'r. nn <br />,i... ..."... .I(""..AoP" .L .....' 'J...i. ·¡~JLi:.JJ.\""·"·', <br /> <br />lI[.L'YfI..:.~(;r~>ter~ :'~~o"'"v-ed., secolldúd b~f OlSOYl <br />sent, to the Regional Heating of the <br />held at D:.1,:';Jort, ~:innesota on Sept. <br /> <br />tl:a t as :~la11JT rle!TI.~Jers ti1at are é:.'lailable, <br />League of lIinnesota:~uniciI)alities to ()G <br />2', lq~lr;oll '~"'ll ,',"~,,, (I:') "f".,."" (n') <br />L., -""/....ILi.. .... ~L>^"- vc.::.. -...~J ~~;:;, .-' -..~~_-:...;; uW '-'. <br /> <br />bé <br /> <br />:ztlC Clerk l"cad the ap~)lication,s :-01' the follo11:'r1f.: licenGcs: <br /> <br />1IELL iJ:-~Ir:J~=Ì-:G <br /> <br />G...)J...:r~AL C;~:="}T?~~\crl'Cn, <br /> <br />UliS I:JS'r,!'tIL:I~ <br /> <br />;\,~ T-~ <br />""0Æ. ¡ ~Qnn~r~ <br />uOLÐJelJ. 00. <br />Ra~,- S~lverda. <br /> <br />Clc". J o:mson <br />Ole Rice <br />SlleeJ.1Y Canst. <br /> <br />Jonn <br /> <br />r·... . <br />;lc:.sSlTIL:Cr <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />H.. Amos <br />Kešt3 ~:ell.s <br /> <br />1''1,.. "T" <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />~\.r:;lS3 <br />