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Roseville Starbucks Traffic Study September 30, 2022 <br />Page 10 <br />Site Plan Review <br />A review of the proposed site plan was completed to identify any issues and recommend potential <br />improvements with regard to drive-through operations, access, and circulation. Based on field <br />observations, there is adequate sight distance at the existing right-in/right-out access location on Twin <br />Lakes Parkway to clearly identify approaching vehicles. Special consideration should be made to limit <br />any sight distance impacts from future landscaping and signing. No other traffic control or circulation <br />issues are expected. <br />Drive-Thru Queuing Review <br />A review of the drive-thru queuing storage area was completed to identify if queues from the proposed <br />drive-thru extend beyond the provided storage distance. Therefore, a literature review and field <br />observations were completed to understand expected queueing lengths for the proposed coffee shop. <br />Note, the Starbucks Coffee at 2305 Fairview Avenue N (across from Rosedale Center) was observed <br />during the weekday morning and Saturday midday peak hours. <br />According to the Drive-Through Queue Generation Study completed by Counting Cars in 2012, maximum <br />queues at a coffee shop can extend to 16 vehicles, with an 85th percentile queue of 14 vehicles. <br />Additionally, drive-thru queuing observations indicate a maximum of 15 vehicles and an approximate <br />85th percentile of 13 vehicles during those peak hours, which is consistent with the Drive-Through Queue <br />Generation Study. On average there were approximately 10 vehicles queued. Note, the maximum <br />observed queues typically lasted for less than one (1) minute in duration. <br />Based on the site plan provided, there is room for 12 vehicles to queue within the drive-thru lane <br />before impacting the internal parking lot circulation. Note, this will block the proposed trash enclosure <br />area, however, that is expected to be utilized outside of peak hours. It is expected that the proposed <br />drive-thru will accommodate the majority of the expected drive-thru queues at the site, however, <br />approximately 25 percent of the peak hour trips are expected to queue beyond the storage and could <br />be expected to queue within the overflow areas shown in Figure 6. <br />Additionally, potential signing improvements are shown in Figure 6 indicating to motorists to not <br />block access from the parking lot drive aisle and directional signing within the site can be provided to <br />limit the number of customers exiting the Starbucks site from conflicting with potential drive-thru <br />queue. The site should be monitored to determine if the maximum drive-thru queues ever extend <br />beyond the available storage and spill into the parking lot. However, these queues typically would be <br />expected to occur during the a.m. peak hour and not impact operations at Walmart and/or Panda <br />Express. <br /> <br /> <br />