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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2022 <br />Page 7 <br />Mr. SchaOn Blodgett, Roseville <br />Mr. Blodgett indicated he would discourage a moratorium in the City of Roseville <br />because these products have already been available in the local market. The only <br />thing a moratorium would serve is to hurt a lot of the local, small businesses that <br />are carrying these products and many of which were already closed down for sev- <br />eral months in the last three years. He felt the City would hurt small businesses and <br />not accomplish anything with stopping the sale in this area. He indicated he has <br />many clients that find these products help with pain, anxiety, and stuff like that. <br /> <br />Mr. Siafa Barclay, Roseville <br />Mr. Barclay explained as a resident of Roseville and from the medical perspective <br />as well, he thought passing a moratorium would hurt the City. He thought regula- <br />tion might be the way to go and the most convenient thing for the residents of Ro- <br />seville. <br /> <br />With no one else appearing to speak, Mayor Roe closed the public hearing at ap- <br />proximately 6:55 p.m. <br /> <br />Council Discussion <br />Mayor Roe asked to the extent that sales can occur via the internet for the residents <br />of Roseville or anywhere else in Minnesota, are those sales subject to the State <br />regulations or are those only subject to the Federal regulations. <br />Mr. Brown indicated based on his lawyers, it is his understanding that they have to <br />be based on State regulations. For edibles it would be 50 mg per package, 5 mg per <br />serving. If it is in a drink, it would typically be 5 mg per can unless it is scored and <br />then it can be up to 50 mg. Inside of tincture, it is completely different where there <br />is not a cap on the amount, it just has to be under .3 percent because it is not con- <br />sidered an edible. <br />Mr. OÓRourke explained if, for example, an internet company was based in Minne- <br />sota and selling to residents of Minnesota, they would be subject to the Board of <br />Pharmacy, who has jurisdiction. The Minnesota Board of Pharmacy has no juris- <br />diction outside of the State of Minnesota. He noted possession of these products is <br />fully legal for any resident. If the entity online is outside of the State of Minnesota, <br />maybe, in theory, they need to comply but there is no enforcement mechanism that <br />would apply to them. <br />Councilmember Strahan thought the information presented makes it really clear <br />that the City needs to take the time to study it. There are just so many ifs, ands, or <br />buts that the City does not know. She noted the City has four age-restricted tobacco <br />business locations that, should they change ownership, will be sunset so at some <br />point all will go away. If this is added to those regulations, that would not be ad- <br />vantageous to the small business wanting to locate in Roseville. To her, that is <br /> <br />