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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2022 <br />Page 9 <br />Council Discussion <br />Councilmember Willmus explained he certainly would take Councilmember <br />GroffÓs comments to heart with respect to sooner being better than later and to work <br />on this in a fashion that is perhaps a little more expeditious versus waiting for Leg- <br />islature. <br />Mayor Roe indicated he certainly understands both perspectives of this. He thought <br />in reality, under the interim ordinance, there is every potential that individuals in <br />the City who wish to seek out these products will be able to do so over the internet <br />and in other ways, subject to whatever outside laws are in effect. He noted what <br />the City is trying to figure out is a scheme to set up the regulatory environment for <br />the sale of the products from brick-and-mortar stores in Roseville. He completely <br />understood the notion of Golden ValleyÓs approach, which is to proceed with de- <br />veloping that scheme without a moratorium in place. He also understood the Coun- <br />cilÓs perspective that having the moratorium in place provides some level of com- <br />fort for the Council in terms of perhaps not having things get ahead of them. He <br />indicated he was supportive of the motion with echoing the comments about not <br />necessarily waiting for the Legislature. <br /> Roll Call <br />Ayes: Groff, Strahan, Willmus, and Roe. <br />Nays: None. <br />d. Declare Mid-Term Vacancies for Various Commissions. <br />Assistant City Manager Rebecca Olson briefly highlighted this item as detailed in <br />the Request for Council Action and related attachments dated August 8, 2022. <br /> <br />Councilmember Willmus explained he would like the Council to have the inter- <br />views on the City Hall campus. He explained there are cameras and recording <br />equipment onsite and he would like to do this on an evening other than a Council <br />meeting night. He thought the audio at Cederholm was horrendous. <br /> <br />Councilmember Strahan disagreed and indicated everyone was masked at that time, <br />which did impact sound quality. She appreciated the more relaxed format and the <br />Council having the opportunity to get to know the applicants better when people <br />were more relaxed. She noted the Council had some really nice conversations with <br />people. She thought the cameras were out of sight and people did not feel like they <br />were in the spotlight. She felt it was helpful and appreciated the welcome space <br />that Ms. Olson and other provided in the entry. <br /> <br />Willmus moved, Groff seconded, to declare the vacancy on the Planning Commis- <br />sion for a term ending 3/31/2024 and the vacancy on the PWETC for a term ending <br />3/31/2024. <br /> <br />