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<br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> Date: October 24, 2022 <br /> Item No.: 7.c <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br /> <br />Item Description: Consider Adopting an Ordinance Prohibiting the Possession of a Detached Catalytic <br />Converter <br />1 B ACKGROUND <br />2 At the October 10, 2022 City Council meeting, the City Council agreed to consider an ordinance brought <br />3 forward by Councilmember Strahan regarding the possession of a detached catalytic converter unless it <br />4 is from the person’s own vehicle. On September 12, 2022,the City of Bloomington passed an ordinance <br />5 that prohibits the possession a detached catalytic converter unless it is from the person’s own vehicle. <br />6 The City Council indicated that they would like to consider the same type of ordinance for Roseville. <br />7 <br />8 Staff has drafted an ordinance based off of Bloomington’s ordinance (Attachment A) has posted it on the <br />9 City’s website for 10 as required under state law. It should be noted that several other cities have passed <br />10 similar ordinances recently; West St. Paul, Lino Lakes, and Shakopee. These ordinances are included as <br />11 Attachment B. <br />12 <br />13 P OLICY O BJECTIVE <br />14 There is one community aspiration applicable to the consideration of this ordinance: The City aspires to <br />15 be a “Safe and Law Abiding” community. <br />16 F INANCIAL I MPACTS <br />17 There are no financial impacts as part of the adoption and implantation of this ordinance. <br />18 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />19 Consider the adoption of the proposed ordinance. <br />20 R EQUESTED C OUNCIL A CTION <br />21 A motion to approve an ordinance prohibiting the possession of a detached catalytic converter unless it <br />22 is from the person’s own vehicle. <br />23 <br />Prepared by: Patrick Trudgeon, City Manager (651) 792-7021 <br /> <br />24 Attachments: A: Draft Ordinance <br />25 B: Detached Catalytic Converter Possession ordinances from West St. Paul, Lino Lakes, and Shakopee. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Page 1 of 1 <br /> <br />