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Attachment A <br />1 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING <br />2 OF THE <br />3 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />4* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * <br />5 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of <br />th <br />6 Roseville, County of Ramsey, Minnesota was duly held on the 9day of January, 2023, at <br />7 6:00 p.m. <br />8 The following members were present: , , , , and Mayor . <br />9 and the following were absent: . <br />10 Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />11 RESOLUTION No. <br />12 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING A TEMPORARY EXCEPTION TO SECTION 407 OF <br />13 CITY CODE, NUISANCE, IN SUPPORT OF ‘LESS MOW MAY’ <br />14 WHEREAS, the City of Roseville is supportive of a temporary exception to City Code, <br />15 Section 407.02, NUISANCES AFFECTING PUBLIC COMFORT OR REPOSE, allowing <br />16 homeowners to grow grass in their yards taller than 8 inches during the month of May; and <br />17 WHEREAS, insects, especially bees, serve a significant and critical role as pollinators of plants <br />18 including agricultural plants; and <br />19 WHEREAS, the City passed Resolution 11422 DECLARING THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AS <br />20 POLLINATOR-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY; and <br />21 WHEREAS, the ideal pollinator-friendly habitat is one comprised of mostly native wild flowers, <br />22 grasses, vines, shrubs, and trees blooming in succession throughout the growing season; and <br />23 WHEREAS, the formative period for establishment of pollinator and other insect species and the <br />24 many songbirds and other urban wildlife species that depend upon them occurs in late spring and <br />25 early summer as they emerge from dormancy and require flowering plants as crucial foraging <br />26 habitat; and <br />27 WHEREAS, "No Mow May" is a community science initiative that encourages property <br />28 owners to limit lawn mowing practices during the month of May to provide early season <br />29 foraging resources for pollinators that emerge in the spring, especially in urban landscapes <br />30 when few floral resources are available; and <br />31 WHEREAS, the City of Roseville would like to increase pollinator-friendly habitat by <br />32 encouraging pollinator-friendly lawn care practices on their own properties for the month of <br />33 May during this formative period. <br /> <br />